Search results for query: *

  1. S

    Got the email. queue position 137

    171 has been delivered.  I managed to get into the Post Office right at closing and got it.
  2. S - No Right Hand Strip?

    I believe it requires IE 10 to properly render in IE.  This has been an issue since the new site was introduced, at least with IE.
  3. S

    Got the email. queue position 137

    Just to check in, at 171, I also received an e-mail my 1 Ghz unit would ship this week.
  4. S

    Final preorders, action required

    Will those of us still in the 1 Ghz pre-order queue also be receiving this e-mail?
  5. S

    Usermeeting in Hamburg/Germany

    It would be great if the OPT would come out to the DC/Virginia area at some point.  Maybe even MAGFest.
  6. S

    Pandora Boards Regulars

    But if we post, people will realize how many of us just read posts!
  7. S

    Got the email. queue position 137

    I'm 171.  According to the last update they are only up to 138.
  8. S

    Comments on the new website (

    It does, I'm running it on Windows 7 x64. They haven't released the final version yet, but you can install the Release Preview here:
  9. S

    Comments on the new website (

    Regarding the site in IE. The site does render right in IE 10. I don't see the right side in IE8/IE9.
  10. S

    SemiAccurate interviews EvilDragon about Pandora

    Maybe the commenter is talking about Tim Westergren, founder of Pandora Radio. http://en.wikipedia..../Tim_Westergren
  11. S

    Dosbox - dynrec update

    Just sent it.
  12. S

    There we go! (2012-02-28)

    Don't forget those of us from batch 2.
  13. S

    Release Umbrello UML Modeller

    I think the problem is you do not have a <licenses> and <license> section in the PXML.
  14. S

    New boards

    Not sure if something was changed since you posted but when I click "View New Content" one of the options on the left hand side is "Filter by Forum" (last filter option in the list, under the 'Other' section), once clicked it lets me select just the Pandora forums, and even seems to save my...
  15. S

    Release PND Manager

    Yeah, Windows 2000 left extended support in 7/13/2010. I'm using .NET 3.5 for this application, which is only supported on Windows XP and newer (for PC OS) and Windows Server 2003 and newer (for Server OS). If there really is a demand for older MS OS support I can probably switch back to .net...
  16. S

    Release PND Manager

    Found a bug on the detection of CHMOD, fixed and new version uploaded:
  17. S

    Release PND Manager

    Yup that fixed it, new version with new extractor that will add chmod/required dlls if you don't already have it (from cygwin or installed else where). Latest version: v1.0.1.4 Includes Self Extracting copy of mksquashfs/cygwin1.dll/chmod.exe/cygintl-8.dll/cygiconv-2.dll/cyggcc_s-1.dll...
  18. S

    Release PND Manager

    Okay this is weird, if I put quotes the source folder for mksquashfs, it doesn't hold the permissions set via chmod. This removes the permission (same results even if the source path isn't in quotes). mksquashfs.exe "c:\mksquashfs2\getiplayer" "c:\mksquashfs2\getiplayer1.pnd" -nopad...
  19. S

    Release PND Manager

    Are you talking about running chmod via cygwin on all the extracted files prior to opening? It would be nice if calcs could be used to set all these permissions. I'm wondering why it worked for freamon. I was under the impression when forcing the uid/gid to 1000/1001 force it for the first...