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  • Users: chiz
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  1. C

    Selling My Flu

    Hi, I just got a BLU, so I'm selling my FLU (poet?) My FLU can overclock to 160mhz. It comes with a 128 SMC card - filled with emulators, roms and games. I'll ulso chuck in a DVD ROM (or CD ROM) of *stuff* for emulators. Selling the unit at £90. First come, first serve. (It's boxed too) If...
  2. C

    Where Are You Yoyo?

    He's probably busy looking through all your emails :P
  3. C

    Picodrive On N-gage

    lol, so true! I remember my mum saying that when I got a calculator watch.
  4. C

    Flame Me

    Can someone please flame me? I feel out of turn because I've not posted that much on this forum and everyone else seems to be getting flamed. Out of all the boards, in all my time, this forum has to be the most pathetic place for people to flame "new people". Some community :/ I can see the...
  5. C

    Best Game Ever

    Elite 2 - Frontier SWOS Cannon Fodder Vice City Quakeworld
  6. C

    Gigadrive 0.019 Released

    Wiz 'n' Liz works! OMG, life over :)
  7. C

    When Do They Announce Winners?

    Gigadrive looks so promising! Is it on auto frameskip, cuz it seems to play coolspot at fs0 :/ Would be nice if someone done a 150mhz and 166mhz version :)
  8. C

    Trade My Gp (flu) For An Xbox

    Desperate mate, I broke my one :(
  9. C

    Trade My Gp (flu) For An Xbox

    Hi, Im in desperate need of an XBOX, was going to buy 1 but I hardly play my GP these days. Would prefer a modded 1 if poss. The GP comes boxed, with all leads, a CD full of software (GBAX 1), a 64mb SMC full with software. All the new stuff, gen emu, opensnesx etc. I'm only looking to swap...
  10. C

    Good News Everybody

    heh, you cant rate their site. pitty!
  11. C

    Gp Sonic

    That's not true. Sonic is a decade old but the brand on sonic is huge. It's like someone bringing out a sonic doll and sega going nuts. It's because it's digging into the sonic brand, that's what they hate.
  12. C

    OPenSNES9xGP Out and ready for the play!

    I cant get my head round these idiots moaning about this emulator. It's clearly miles ahead of the other 2 snes emu's. Well done YoYo and others who worked on it, it's brilliant!