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  1. B

    Pandora Nub and LCD cable replacement

    Answer on Discord: EvilDragon — 03/25/2024 8:37 PM We don't have any nubs left anymore... the last working ones had been installed years ago.
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    Pandora Nub and LCD cable replacement

    Hello ED, i saw in the shop you have spare LCD cables. Do you happen to have spare nubs laying around? And can I send in my Pandora for repair? The display shows pink segments since recently and one nub is a bit wonky since a long time. Thanks
  3. B

    Bluetooth 4 le on Pandora?

    Is there any hope to get a bluetooth 4 usb dongle working on the Pandora? And if, at what effort level? I read that for propper support of bluetooth 4 bluez need to be version 5 and higher. The pandora has currently 4.99 And also that bluez 5 need a kernelversion of 3.5 to get working le...
  4. B

    Release Hex-A-Hop

    *thread necromancy* Done. 100% Mastered. 25 sub par :) That was fun. :p&|a:
  5. B

    How compares the Pyra LCD to the Pandora?

    Ich betreibe mal etwas Threadnekromantie. Es gibt wieder Sonne da draußen, und da ich noch keine Pyra in den Händen halte möchte ich gerne meine Anfrage aus dem 1. Post erneuern.
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    Release Monster 2 RPG

    There are some crashes on the spells. The black guy has no spells at level 1, trying to cast one of those „none“ crashes the game. The priest you get a bit later has broken his spells (after level up?), trying to cast one crashes the game too. Dmesg says: monster2: unhandled page fault (11) at...
  7. B

    Pyra christmas update :)

    You have a rounding error there, its two month™
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    Comprehensive Status update!

    2 Month™ does not carry an expectation of a date.
  9. B

    Comprehensive Status update!

    Looks all nice and good :) Reads like 2 Month™.
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    Last known issue fixed

    So you have brightness control finally implemented? Could we get some outside photos when there is good sunlight?
  11. B

    It's loud.

    Spring Contacts like in the Jolla Phone? Hope they got not loose/ corroded like in the Jolla Phone. Had to apply extra pressure with 3 layers of paper :(
  12. B

    Update SuperZaxxon v1.75

    PCSX ReARMed (with Aludra) can trigger that reliable. Just close the lid ingame, open it and the colors are fascinating off. Screen reset is thankfully easy too, just open and then exit the menu.
  13. B

    Update SuperZaxxon v1.75

    or it will fail to boot afterwards and need a full reflash. :oops:
  14. B

    A few Colors and Packages (with a poll!)

    Why should the paper be snow white? Its printed, so you wouldn't see much of the white. The orginal Gameboy carton was plain brown printed carton, and it worked. Any who said bleaching? The normal school paper blocks have nearly all a Blauer Engel certificate, and they are white.
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    A few Colors and Packages (with a poll!)

    @EvilDragon Then you have to use "simple" paper, and not the shiny, glossy, coated paper you got for the prototype boxes. A „Blauer Engel“ certified recycling carton would be much more appreciated than new FSC wood. I am all in for a plastic free packaging, watch the usb cable firm, i heard...
  16. B

    Final small Pandora batch...

    Nope, the charging circuit needs a battery to be stable. The Pandora turns on without a battery, but won't boot fully, restarts every few seconds.
  17. B

    Idle optimization

    Really nice improvement. Out of curiosity could someone compile powerstat for the pandora? I tried the dchrt chroot environment, but make/gcc/g++ produce a segfault at compile time. Main reason to run powerstat is to have a second C State Graph, as...
  18. B

    Finalizing everything!

    Its another way to say Two Month™
  19. B

    How compares the Pyra LCD to the Pandora?

    Wär ja super, wenn ich da einfach nur 2mm Staub und Geröll abkratze und dann leuchtet das mit 1500 cd/m². Ist leider nicht so ;)
  20. B

    Release Hex-A-Hop

    Still most played game on my pandora. :) 91% and 3 sub par so far.