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  1. B

    Pandora Wearable

    Anyone of you know of a good camera setup for wearables and augmented reality? I onle got an El Cheapo webcam and the picture gets mighty blurry when mobing that around (Or moving in front of the camera at all) As far as i could see, the logitech quickcam 900 seems to be one of the best webcams...
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    Pandora Wearable

    So, since this is not the first thread of this kind and it seems there are quite a lot of people here interested in the pandora as a wearable, i wonder if anyone of you knows of a forum or discussion place on the net for such topics. Surely, there must be a bunch of people out there interested...
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    A Name For New Upcoming Pandora Zine

    I would like Boxed. :-) Bur please, make the font size adjustable. It shouldn't be a big thing and will make reading so much easier. As for me and my bad eyesight, I probably won't read it at all if the font is that small...
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    Space Rts

    I wonder, have you thopught of this as turn based or as realtime? I personally prefer these type of games to be turn based, but that always gets kind of in the way of a good multiplayer experience.
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    kopierschutz Kommerzielle Spiele?

    Ich persönlich habe kein Problem mit einem einfachen Kopierschutz, solange dieser das Spiel nicht schlechter macht. Wo ich nun endlich einen festen Job habe hab ich mir auch vorgenommen, nur noch originale zu kaufen, aber grade in letzter Zeit hat die Spieleindustrie mich davon abgehalten auch...
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    Pandora As A Wearable Computer

    I really like your idea and been planing myself for some time now to do something similar. I am, however, not quite contempt with spending ~200€ on a HMD that is basically crap. MAybe if I can get one cheap at ebay, but I would much rather have a one eye translucent display. EyeTap anyone? :-D
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    Which Linux To Use On Laptop For Practice?

    I just recently started using ubuntu on my laptop. As a total linux noob, I would recommend using a windows like system like ubuntu, because it means you will get a working enviroment to actually use the pc in daily life, but naturally you will get enough minor problems with hardware or software...
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    Openpandora Website

    I like the current design well enough. However, I would agree that the deisgn is not very good. It looks nice, but the lack of updates and the structural presentation makes it really hard for someone new here to get what is going on. That said, if you do not see all sides of the project, it is...