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  • Users: _VWV_
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  1. V

    Anyone Else Lost Interest?

    Still we have to admit that due to some indirect competitors, the niche has narrowed a bit. There are many omap3 based devices now each with its own strengths and weaknesses raging from small fancy phones to relatively big touchbook. Not so long ago pandora was going to become the first...
  2. V

    Anyone Else Lost Interest?

    For the UMPCing crowd it seems like thouchbook could be an alternative. The screen size + detachable keyboard are pros of the touchbook. But in terms of mobile gaming there is no competition on the market. And though some people think there will be some soon, I'm not aware of any plans to...
  3. V

    (second) Guessing Game

    Can I have another try? The 30-th of October 2009.
  4. V

    Cnc Data

    Thanks for clarification!
  5. V

    Cnc Data

    Nice one! I agree with that. :)
  6. V

    Cnc Data

  7. V

    Cnc Data

    Can I then ask you what benefits the custom design brings to a customer in comparison with the design of touchbook? I can name the second SD slot, tv out, gaming controls and wi-fi antenna. Do I miss something?
  8. V

    Possible To Boot Another Os Off Of The Sd Card?

    Can't you just short-circuit the rom to erase everything in it? :)
  9. V

    Batch 2 Release Date

    It's advertised that Pandora comes with a brilliant community of people which it's competitors lack, or can't offer a comparable one. STFU, bitchfest... Guys, please, hold on a second. Don't pour shit on others that fast, coz I'm writing it down for the sake of history. :D
  10. V

    Batch 2 Release Date

    Shit I pre-ordered because: but it turned out to be just another "Pandora has 1 Gb of RAM"tm trick. I thought that Pandora had solid financial base so that if some wish to cancel some other folks would "just buy one when they are ready"tm. Don't you think the info I had at the beginning about...
  11. V

    Batch 2 Release Date

    I won't comment on that so that not to sound stupid. +1
  12. V

    What's Your Level Of P&|a Commitment

    I just emphasized on that timebomb thing (it was basically a timebomb from the very beginning) since sometimes people tend to think we're a big company which is doing crap instead of just a few people from this company, risking basically everything to create this handheld. And what weight there...
  13. V

    Batch 2 Release Date

    I don't think that approximately 200 active forum members here represent the opinion of all first batchers.
  14. V

    What's Your Level Of P&|a Commitment

    Well, I assume that this means the situation is unstable now. You know, there's basically a ticking time bombtm so anything may happen. ;) It used to be fine: I assume there are problems because.. well, to my mind, the tone has changed a bit. I hope, I'm wrong though.
  15. V

    What's Your Level Of P&|a Commitment

    It seems we've got a quitter here! click
  16. V

    What's Your Level Of P&|a Commitment

    I don't think it's the biggest issue we have here. My biggest concern is Openpandora Ltd won't tolerate the amount of "I've had enough, give me my money back". We don't know anything about the first batchers by the exception of a small fraction of those who post here. What if people start to...
  17. V

    What's Your Level Of P&|a Commitment

    +1 +1. Competitors start to emerge. It's debatable if mobile phones from chinavision are direct competitors, but there are other options on the market which are already there or almost there (disclaimer : almost !=current time + 2 months)
  18. V

    "estimated" Release Date

    No, the updates will do. [ 115 ] ** [90.55%] :D
  19. V

    The Road To Hd...

    +1 I have the same questions.
  20. V

    Pandora Cube

    +1. It's not necessary to include an HD in the box, but it would be nice to have a connector. For those who think than an x86 based box would be better I can say that a non-portable pandora could be used as a really low-power server for http/ftp/tor/OFF/freenet/e.t.c. I'd prefer a pandora over...