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  1. S

    A video. Again. Mostly about cases.

    I wouldn't mind paint, but I really don't think I mind the discolouration either. It looks fine to me, and even if paint could make it look "better" I think I would worry too much about that adding more delay with another company in the mix -- and more work for you! Thanks so much for...
  2. S

    Build own kernel?

    Wait, who is there? I'm going to be there -- would *love* a chance to see a prototype.
  3. S


    Why was Angstrom chosen as the distro base for the Pandora? I've had experiences with that distro before, and it tends to be very, very bad. The repos are littered with broken packages and the like. Why not use a stable distro with a good track record as the base, like Debian? That's what...