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  1. H

    Mpg File Not Playing?

    Still no luck on the issue, same problems occuring even with B-frames turned completely off. Going to get a picture and see that helps. Is there a way to take a screenshot with the gp2x?
  2. H

    Mpg File Not Playing?

    kinda, I might take a picture if encoding as vimacs suggests does not fix the issue. It is sort of blocky like suddenly changing to different color in parts of the picture, i.e a chunk that changed more from the previous frame being a lighter color than the rest of the scene and vice versa...
  3. H

    Mpg File Not Playing?

    Ahhh okay, thank you for clearing that up for me.
  4. H

    Mpg File Not Playing?

    I transcoded a .wmv to .mpeg using the mpeg-1 format or whatnot. I cannot see it when I put it on the gp2x and try to go to videos and play it, however it says that .mpg is supported? I can confirm it is on the gp2x, but it does not show up while my .avi file will. I wanted to test how well...
  5. H

    Figuring Out If A Rom Is .34 Compatible For Mame?

    As the thread topic suggests, I am having difficulty figuring out how to get any MAME roms working on my GP2X. Apparently it is difficult to locate the roms that are compatible with the GP2X, and all torrents that would happen to have these are derelict. Since posting links to roms appears to be...
  6. H

    Computer Not Detecting Gp2x Over Usb?

    Ahh go figure, I tested a different usb cable and it works, go figure. Thanks for the help. *edit* And I got the usb networking working too now no less! Woot!
  7. H

    Computer Not Detecting Gp2x Over Usb?

    Lol yea I do have a card reader, and using windows XP SP2 as I mentioned in my post. Firmware version 2.0 on GP2X. Card reader does not solve the problem however, just allows me to get around it. I still would like to be able to network to it. I will live until I figure this out, but it is a...
  8. H

    Computer Not Detecting Gp2x Over Usb?

    Just tried it, no luck. Still doesn't show anything on windows when I try to connect.
  9. H

    Computer Not Detecting Gp2x Over Usb?

    I am having a wierd problem, it seems like my computer just won't notice my gp2x. It did all of one time but I could not read what error message it gave about drivers, all the other times I click connect usb on the gp2x and it doesn't do anything on my computer. Fortunately I have a card read...