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  1. N

    Vertical Shooters In Yoko Mode

    Just a quick question about my favorite shooters. I know the most optimized way to play a vertical shooter on the wiz would be in tate mode (rotating the system) ie-19XX, dodonpachi, esprade, etc. but I would rather play them in yoko mode (system in normal orientation) with black bars on the...
  2. N

    Another Gp2X Booting Problem

    Hey all, After not playing my GP2X in a year or so I decided to break it out. After charging up the batteries I tried booting it up. What I was met with is the opening welcome screen followed by the chime then the screen glitches as it switches to the "starting up" screen. It won't go anywhere...
  3. N

    What Happened To My Arcade Support?

    Quick question: Glancing at the gp2x official website I noticed the page full of tasty Arcade games that are (soon to be?) supported. Link: Anyone know anything about them? Let me tell you, those are a huge selling point. Also what is It is...