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  • Users: MarkW
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  1. M

    Aluminium Case being made!

    Don't forget, if a business makes something at cost (or in this case, a prototype for nothing), all the time spent on that "freebie" is dead time - it can't be used to make money on something else. Taking a drawing, breaking the finished product into a series of operations, writing the programs...
  2. M

    Aluminium Case being made!

    I'd definitely go for a black one. As a former CNC mill programmer, setter/operator, I'll be interested to see the overall fit and finish - and I rather like the idea of armour plating my Pandora!
  3. M

    Pandoralive Down?

    Yep, its now visible for me.
  4. M

    Pandoralive Down?

    Its not propogated thrpugh to the UK BT DNS servers yet, per4haps overnight......
  5. M

    Wanted : (Black) Battery cover for openpandora (UK)

    I do indeed. It has some very light marking, but otherwise is perfectly functional. If you're happy to cocver postage, 'tis yours.
  6. M

    Got displays, looking for keymats

    Three from the UK - there are shed loads of these companies.....
  7. M

    Kernel update to 3.2.57

    Many thanks.
  8. M

    Kernel update to 3.2.57

    Is this Kernel update available as a "stand-alone" ipk?
  9. M

    X server segfault when using BT keyboard

    Rats, just crashed mine. This combination is guaranteed (on my keyboard) to cause the crash: <LEFT SHIFT><CTRL><ALT><WIN><ENTER><DELETE> I can now generate the crash on demand :D
  10. M

    X server segfault when using BT keyboard

    Does it appear to be using the BT keyboard that causes the issue? Just curious because I cannot get mine to fall over now.
  11. M

    X server segfault when using BT keyboard

    Just tried another sustained typing test, no issues for me.
  12. M

    X server segfault when using BT keyboard

    Come on peeps, can't anyone else be bothered to test this?????? Just two of us??????
  13. M

    X server segfault when using BT keyboard

    Applied the update to my SZ 1.60 OP and hesy presto, NO server issues. I'll keep an eye out for any X-Server wierdness, but so far I've only got postive things to say about this update.
  14. M

    X server segfault when using BT keyboard

    One message during the ipk install: xserver-org: unsatisfied recommendation for xserver-security-policy Rebooted, check version no, 1.7.7 installed OK. After 10 minutes of sustained typing of gibberish, I HAVE NOT had a freeze. Normally, I would get a freeze after just 3 minutes of sustained...
  15. M

    X server segfault when using BT keyboard

    Since its raining outside, and I can ususally reproduce this error in few minutes, I'll give it a go!
  16. M

    Release Switch GUI: Openbox

    If you start the Tint2 Panel Wizard (in Openbox Config), there is a Clock Tab. Click it. Make sure the show option checkbox on the first line is checked and then check the appropriate Time Format option. Should be all that is necessary.....
  17. M


    You need a LANG line like this in your .profile: export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 (instead of en_GB.UTF-8, you can substitute a similar, valid langauge code, for example en_US.UTF-8). You should find your .profile file in your home directory. When Anki is first started, it prompts you to select your...
  18. M

    [ Significant Improvement ] Anki

    A quick check of my .profile shows I have an entry of export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 I put this in ages ago for date formating and totally forgot it was there. I guess (anecdotally at least), a UTF-8 "locale" needs to be forced for Anki to work.
  19. M

    [ Significant Improvement ] Anki

    The latest Anki incarnation starts fine for me (didn't try the previous release). SZ1.54, latest wxPython, no locale settings (well, no /etc/local.conf file anyway).
  20. M

    USB host always disconnect after few seconds

    What dongle are you using? I had similar expereiences with a cheap and nasty Apple lookeylikey thingy. After finally getting a pucker Apple one, everything is/was fine.... How does the USB port behave if you plug a USB storage device into it?