no its 170 euros. not 199 euros. and if nobody knows me. then they forgot me. since it was a very very long time i visited this board
it is easy to see it this way.
50 units is alot of units. you can get 1 unit when you sell 50 units. so giving away one unit doesnt mean the profit is that...
hi all!,
It has been a very long time since i was here. but i am back with some good news.
This is what is happening currently:
End this week the online shop will be open to take pre-orders for the gp2x's.
The standard colour will be black. The Launch date in the netherlands will be 1...
microsoft supports the gizmondo (with mechassault, aoe, etc)
and i heard that halo might be availble for it. so there is one real killer app avaible.
i just hope they use the power of the gizmondo.
so you want to tell me that the psp can beat this?:
TFT screen ~ 240 x 320 pixels
400 Mhz ARM9 from Samsung
128-bit 3D Graphics accelerator from Nvidia
GPS tracking application
GPS mapping application
MP3 playback
MIDI/WAV formats
Windows Media Player 9
MPEG 4 video playback
all handshelds are nice in my opinion.
i wouldnt buy a zodiac myself because its too expensive. and i am going to buy the gizmondo when it gets avaible here.
go for the gp32.
its got cheap smart media cards as storage, you can develop for it. and even go commercial if youre good!
psp: umd? do you got alot of umd's there to sell commercial games or become one? is it cheap to buy a umd? does it got 2 speakers? does sony allow homebrew games...
someone will order it for me wednesday.
165 euros for a blu+, with 2 games, carrying case, plus screen cleaner and a asr carrying case. ofcourse everything is brand spanking new.
MY FIRST GP32 gp32_console :wub:
yes. where to see.
its hard to explain.
on th old site of gamepark. there was a flash movie, the flash movie was about the gp32. and you had a music fm a game. what game it was is still unknown to me because it was writting in korean.
i went to the gamepark everyday back then. and clicked on teh gp32 button. and received a flash movie. this was the best flash i ever saw.
someone know where i can get the flash movie?
i am thinking of ordering a gp32 blu+ wednesday/thursday.
what do you guys think? i wanted a gp32 for 4 years now.
and i dont know if the gp32 is still alive (and manufactured)
how old is the guy that made the topic??
i mean. i am 18 but i would never compare a gp32 to a sega saturn.
as for all of you:
because its teh dumbest thing you can do -_-'
and i got a question:
ofcourse the sega saturn has a vcd card. it also has a 4 mb cart.
and it is more powerfuller rthan the psx. believe it or not.
but ofcourse psx and sat development would not be possible. how would you play teh games? its cd based. and the games are bigger then 128 mb. so that doesnt make any...
is gdl still supported? or should i say still in development? and what is the site about it?
it does sound interesting to use it tough if its still in development.
Vyeyendra Ramnares