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  • Users: FX23
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  1. F

    Mame Gp32 1.3 Download !

    this is the one i used Atari 1983
  2. F

    Mame Gp32 1.3 Download !

    how do i get the right ones?
  3. F

    Mame Gp32 1.3 Download !

    Loading "Star Wars" 136021.105 13621.114 Unable to open ROM Error reading ROMs Unable to initialize machine emulation LOAD FAILED: Press any key to continue.
  4. F

    New Games For Gp32 Mame 1.2.3

  5. F

    New Games For Gp32 Mame 1.2.3

    no, what do i need to do?
  6. F

    New Games For Gp32 Mame 1.2.3

    starwars and tempest dont work
  7. F

    Problem With Gpcinema Encoding

    did it work?
  8. F

    Problem With Gpcinema Encoding

    why does nobody write a program that encodes avi and mov files to the gpcinema?
  9. F

    Last Resort - Fenix Game

    So, how do you get this program to work?
  10. F


    heres what we need for the GP32, a Colecovision emulator - know what i mean?
  11. F

    Mailing List

    i have the firefox browser
  12. F

    Mailing List

    i like the gp32x news
  13. F

    Mailing List

    i think it would be good to get the GP32x news via email mailing list
  14. F

    Space Invaders Emulator V1.0

    yes, i got the roms, but no sound samples so i need the filenames of the samples because the emulator just state "no samples!"
  15. F

    Space Invaders Emulator V1.0

    WHAT are the file names for the sound samples needed?
  16. F

    Space Invaders Emulator V1.0

    WHAT files are needed to get this to work?
  17. F

    Rolling Thunder

    i love rolling thunder, is it available for the gp32 yet?
  18. F


    are you ok>?
  19. F


    so why did you bother posting?
  20. F


    I TRIED GOOGLE and could not find it, i was hoping somebody here would help me.