Search results for query: *

  1. I

    Where Is My £200 Handheld?

    Ah, the healing powers of acupuncture. I think I read somewhere that it can do anything- even make zombie-robot-ninjas out of regular ninjas! (results may vary depending on needles used.) Honestly, I find these threads hilarious. "ZOMG, I want my pandora nao gimme gimme!" All these people want...
  2. I

    The "port Request" Wiki Page

    What about Gamg Garrison 2? ( ) It's all 8-bit and pixel-y, so I don;t think graphics would be an issue. I also know that the download comes with the source code. Beyond that, however, I have no idea if it's possible. I'd rather post this here and have it be...
  3. I

    Why Is It Worth Waiting For Pandora?

    I think it's worth waiting for because the Pandora will be a nice cross between two electronic worlds. A laptop computer, and a handheld game console. Emulation aside, that fact that the Pandora could run Firefox means you can use it for web browsing. It's got an actual OS it can run, so you...
  4. I

    Lets Talk Bluetooth Accesoires!

    Actually, there's a smaller alternative to the Wiimote, though it's a bit hard to get in the states. It's a bluetooth controller that vaguely resembles the Wii's nunchuck accessory, but is intended to connect to your cellphone via bluetooth for games and such. Might be useful as a smaller...