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  1. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    OK,thank you!I'll try it...
  2. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Your sharings are much appreciated Dejunai...I tried to find out why ts_calibrate won't work,and did some experiments...but no luck.. I haven't experimented with fw 1.0.1 at all and I guess that there are some bugs in fw 1.1 . Anyway, any help is welcome!Thank you!
  3. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend goes like this...First it is not a Win2X bug...Second,a filename that includes a space character is not wrong.You can run any .gpe with space character,open any .png file etc.You can also have links with spaces,names,anything...The problems occurs ONLY when trying to rename,copy,paste...
  4. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Well...unfortunatelly you have to reflash your firmware..It is nothing difficult. 1. Download fw 1.1 from here : 2. Put the files to the root of an SD. 3.Power up WIZ and hold the shoulder R. 4.Wait for about 15 minutes and you're done!You have...
  5. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thank you very much!Very nice to hear or you and that you liked Win2X! The skinning feature is under construction yet...For now the only option is to edit the files in the existing themes(Blue or Gold).But it should be done very wisely as a missing file could result to render Win2X useless...And...
  6. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thank you for your information Dejunai!I have discovered the ts_calibrate problem too.But what I discovered is that it fires up under Win2X BUT you have to previously ran the original frontend or the Media Player.The reason(I suspect) is some kind of initialization with the TSLIB...Also I have...
  7. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I see...well as you said it is a small area and a small font but I fix it to be more appealing... On the raname matter I haven't noticed something myself except this...Win2X(as a linux-based application) does not support empty characters in filenames(e.g "pocket snes" instead of "pocketsnes") so...
  8. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Sorry to ask...but what overlapping letters?I thought Milkawax stated this and after that I uploaded the V1.1.1 which fixes the overlapping letters to the category windows...Are you talking for something different??
  9. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Wow Titan...thank you very very much!!!I do am satisfied and to say the truth I'd never expect so much support for something that I created just for fun in the first place...but I'm even more satisfied because it turns to be a usefull frontend and also because of the support and feedback I get...
  10. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Sorry about that..Hope you did read the documentation because I noted with bold letters,that you must NOT delete the in-use wallpaper file... Guess I have to include a security valve about this case...
  11. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    1. Yes it could.It just sorts by creation time right in the next version I'll add a "sort by.." option. 2.They are already mapped(e.g the "+" is mapped to shoulder R,the accept is SELECT etc).There is no function that is not mapped to both the TS and the keyboard.Just read the...
  12. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    OK...The Update is there now...
  13. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thank you Titan!You are right and I'll fix the clock in the next update though...
  14. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    No I have uploaded a version 1.1.1 with the text overlapping fixed...I do not know why it haven't appeared yet...
  15. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Yes.I have already implemented the Gold theme(which consists mostly on black and red colors) and it is quite friendly for the screen. In the future I will implement more themes and even thinking of making a "theme creator" application...
  16. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Some programs are reported not to work or cause problems(like ZX you mentioned).I will make some tests to find out the reason when I have more time. Thanks for reporting this. Yes.You can download Milkawax's link file for the Media Player and put a link of it to the desktop...
  17. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thank you very much kart_racer3 and Happy New Year!About your arguments now... 1.The right area of the panel is used for links discription..But if the users community decide that it is useless then I can expand it for sure... 2.You are right and I'll do it... 3.It is not a matter of...
  18. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thanks for the bug Milkawax!I updated a fix version to that(1.1.1) to the archive. The GP Media Player is already embedded in Win2X so no need for a link file.And about ts_calibrate,it won't work unless you have previously ran either the original frontend or GP Media Player...Guess has something...
  19. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    OK...Finally Win2X 1.1 is here!Sorry for keeping you wait...Changes in this version are: > Added "send to wallpaper" option to explorer pop-up menu > Explorer copy/paste bug fixed > Added Custom icon selector for links > Added skinning support > Implemented Desktop Side bar with useful...
  20. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    You can download the file from the archive,then you can find screenshots in the README.doc