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  1. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I see. I thought the Pandora Project would have been completed by now. Sad news for GPH. It seems that WIZ and Caanoo have no official support anymore, I guess. Anyway, thanks for the info!
  2. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I'm not sure. I have been away for a long time. I don't know how things are on the WIZ. And I see new handhelds around(Pandora,Caanoo).
  3. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Hi guys, I'm surprised (and glad) to see that this thread is still alive.
  4. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Maybe in the future.For now, I'm setting it up on a basic format and it will only recognize text written in English.
  5. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Yes.It will be implemented as an internal Win2X utility.Like the image viewer.
  6. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    It is.But until then there will be at least one update.I am currently working on text viewer/editor for Win2X...
  7. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I will be in the army until next October... :(
  8. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I'm home for now but just for a few days...
  9. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Hey,guys!Long time no see... RocketNumber09, if Win2X is installed on your SD,then it wouldn't be your main frontend...How goes that? Do you still have access to GPH's frontend or not at all? If you don't then here's my advice: Download and flash the latest firmware,then install Win2X on...
  10. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    OK...Leaving in a few moments... Thank you -DEJ for your help!I uploaded version 2.4.3 for partially fixing this sound issue. I wish I could do some more... Anyway Thank you all! and see you around! ... :)
  11. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    You are right!Unfortunately I can't do anything(as all the others in my age) so as we say here:"If you can't avoid it,just enjoy it!" :unsure: I surely prefer to be working on Win2X and to say the truth...I want to get involved in other projects as well...if I had the time.... Anyway I really...
  12. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    What are you suggesting?
  13. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thank you SONY.Tomorrow I'm leaving and this is my last night at home.I should be sleeping now,but...I need a favor first... Could you check for me and see if this fixes the above sound issue please?
  14. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I don't have much time left,so it is a little rush work.Version 2.4.2 is already up... Really sorry about your house...Sadly, there is no much we can do,except praying not to be home ourselves,when they break in... :angry:
  15. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I released Win2X version 2.4.2 > Fixed a bug with the startmenu > Added auto-uninstaller application Now uninstalling Win2X, also uninstalls completely the battery warning utility(hope you are happy now DaveC).
  16. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Yes, version 2.4.1 is now available.
  17. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    The monitoring code needs no much of CPU cycles nor much of RAM,so it will not slowdown anything(I have tried it with PocketSNES at 790Mhz with no slowdown at all).
  18. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Yes,I will consider it Pickle.Win2X is not a dead project yet and there are still things I wish to do, so I won't release it yet. But when I get off the project,I will give its source.I believe it will help other coders in their efforts as well as in compact programming philosophy.
  19. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thank you all guys.But don't forget that Win2X is also based on the feedback provided by the users of this forum.Many thanks goes to them for their devoted time and trust on this software!
  20. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Unfortunately it is something that has to be done and I can't be an exception.It bothers me though all of this pointless, meaningless procedure. Anyway, thank you too Titan!