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  1. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    The startup.png(the one that welcomes you at startup-if it's that what you mean)is skin independent which means that if you change it,it will be showing regardless the skin. On the other hand,if you mean the wallpaper,then Win2X chooses automatically one of the 2 wallpaper files when you select...
  2. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    That is right.You have to install Win2X first,for the GPH apps become available.
  3. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I would also like to make a comment about the sutdown command: Although the 'shutdown command' is working(and the auto-shutdown command), it is not completely safe to use it. The reason is that the code that Orkie kindly provided us,is just cutting the Wiz's power off instantly and does not...
  4. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I'm aware of this bug DarkShadow.It is not a bug of Win2X though.I think it is a bug of internal LemonBoy code,which makes the read of the pollux_battery unavailable.
  5. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    It does change the time!It just needs a few tries.I don't know why it is doing that,although it should be working perfectly! Guess has something to do with the firmware...But you can try it yourself and mainly use the keys instead of the touchscreen...
  6. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thank you rbm13s!That was the main reason I decided to make Win2X in the first place.
  7. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thank you milkawax!It is just that I'll be away of home for some time.But I'll continue my work with Win2X when I can.There're still things I want to do..
  8. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I'm very short on time Neil and have many business to attend to,so for now I'll just aid you guys whenever I can. Hope to get more time in the future and get back into developing.But I'll be in discussing for sure.
  9. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    OK Neil...I have made a backup script for Win2X.This will make a backup of Win2X into the root of the SD.It is on the archive now.Read the instructions included.
  10. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I have updated Win2X to version 2.1. > Added sound support for touchscreen events and some basic sounds for other events as logon,shutdown and messages. Unfortunately, I'll be off for some time, so this is my last contribution to Win2X(and maybe the WIZ).I would like to thank you all for your...
  11. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Nice...Also just to help you out,you do not have to do all these steps.Naturally it should work instantly(like mine).But I did notice an issue when the user name contains some CAPS letters.So if you keep user names with all lowercase you should not have any problem.
  12. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Yes.Make an uninstall to remove everything and re-install Win2X.If you want to give it one more try,just let it loadup on first time and then make a reboot.Then try to create a new user.I would also recommend to use only lowercase letters on the user name(just in case).
  13. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Well..this kind of strange because I did not have any problems while testing... The user name you created contained a space character?
  14. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I was mainly refering to the HUGE sourcecode GMenu2X uses(you have to get through 40(!) files of source code) and mostly on the bad programming choise to create many MANY unnecessary variables,structures,classes in RAM.Which is a very bad choise in my opinion.For example, I had a look on its...
  15. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Of course it is possible.Both of your suggestions.Although they are minor fixes,I will include them to the next release.
  16. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I know you meant design DaveC.I was refering to programming just in contrast.I am a programmer after all,not a designer.But Win2X is improved thanks to the users feedback,which is very important and I'm thankfull for.Anyway, I will make the necessary tests about the compatibility and hope to fix...
  17. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Well...I'm sorry to have chosen a graphical appearance that you don't like very much..but as I said to a previous post,Gmenu2X has(in my opinion) a very very bad programming design.It uses a lot(I mean a lot) of unneeded code which overloads the RAM and CPU while the software itself is just a...
  18. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thanks!I was testing GP2Xpectrum right now... Yes, "uninstall" removes everything although it is not a dangerous process at all.But OK, I will add two more options about setting the default launcher while preserving Win2X in system. About the sounds:They will be optional as there is going to be...
  19. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    The case you described is the "uninstall" process.If someone wants to set back to the original,he just selects "uninstall Win2X" and then the original frontend is back. No I have not yet got into any compatibility tests about the specific programs you mentioned.But I will do it and I'm sure they...
  20. C

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    You can also read the documentation.It will help you understand the user environment features.