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  • Before: Oct 29, 2004
  • Users: jonjandran
  • Order by date
  1. J

    Atari 5200 For Sale (lynx Package Included)

    Yea $57.50 is fine. E-mail me .
  2. J

    Atari 5200 For Sale (lynx Package Included)

    I'll take it for $50 if you'll do the ridiculously slow cheap free shipping service. E-mail me at I prefer to pay with Pay-pal if you do that. Oh and I'm in Georgia, USA
  3. J


    This guy has hacked it and is going to do an emulator.
  4. J

    Gp32 Adaptor Voltage.

    The problem with the GBA power supply and most Universals is that they have a low 300-350ma rating. So if you overclock, you won't be able to overclock as high as you can with good 2100ma batteries.
  5. J

    Drmd - Genesis Emulator

    Just a slight request. Do you think you could do a 200mhz version for us overclockers. :D Oh and thanks for the good work.
  6. J

    Gp32 (was A Flu) For Sale Only $80

    I'll take it for $80 I'm in the US , Georgia. E-mail me your info and I'll get a money order out.
  7. J

    Im Buying A Gp32

    Would everyone please stop quoting everyone else. :angry: It makes for to much page loading. <_<
  8. J

    Overclocking Poll

    And where did you get this info ? I overclock my Snes Emulator to 200 mhz / with 2200 mh batteries and get around 6-8 hours.
  9. J

    Zodiac For Sale

    Yea I was all excited about getting one and now it justs sits on the shelf watching me play my 200mhz Blu. :lol:
  10. J

    Unofficial Opensnes9xgp V0.2 Mod For 200mhz

    Works perfect for me. With the old Blu Firmware and the New 1.6.7 <_<
  11. J

    New 1.6.7 Firmware

    Same here. I flashed and it says 1.6.6 and there is NO SPEED IMPROVEMENT in anything. :angry:
  12. J

    Unofficial Opensnes9xgp V0.2 Mod For 200mhz

    I just modded my Blu . (It goes to 212 now :D Before it maxed at 168 ) I did a couple of test with Snes games at 200mhz versus 166mhz. Super Mario World : 166mhz / fs0 sound on -- 30-42 fps Average 34fps 200mhz / fs0 sound on -- 40-56 fps Average 45fps Super Metroid : 166mhz / fs0...
  13. J

    Where To Buy Battery Covers ?

    Where can I buy a replacement battery cover for my GP32 ? My kids broke it off my Flu. :(
  14. J

    Kill Bill Gp32

    And I want a toilet made of Gold, but it's not in the cards baby. :lol: How about a round-a-bout figure of what you may be looking for ? I mean you say it's an easy fix but it might not be. So technically most of us won't want to pay more than a used non-flu price for your GP32 because it...
  15. J

    Ripoff Merchant On Ebay!

    Just my 2 cents THERE ARE BIGGER AND MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT THAN ROMS. :rolleyes: You guys act like this is about World Peace or Starving Children. Learn whats important in life. Video games are for fun and entertainment. Video Games are not a life or death matter.
  16. J

    Lowest Power Source For =>180Mhz Gp32s

    With cheaper batteries I couldn't overclock my Flu to 166mhz. With 2100ma I could overclock to 166mhz . And with a wall plug I could do 168mhz. Power Source does matter.
  17. J

    My Gp32 Flu For Sale

    Boy are you guys new to Ebay ? :lol: If you start it high you pay a much higher listing fee. If you start it low , the listing fee even with the reserve fee, is much lower. It doesn't really matter though, the rumour is that Ebay is going to drop the Reserve feature anyway.
  18. J

    My Gp32 Flu For Sale

    No the point of a reserve is so you only have to sell if the bidding gets as high as you want it to. Most people say wat the reserve is right in the item description.
  19. J


    You apparently haven't soldered some of the earlier version PS2 motherboards. :lol: There were some (ver 1.4 I think) that it's near impossible to do because you have to solder on the IC legs. :o
  20. J

    Gp32 180 Mhz

    Which resistor combo did you use to get it to go to 220mhz ?