Search results

  1. Hansel75

    What Is The Best Fps You Have Run On A Caanoo?

    The Quake and Doom Ports are pretty sweet! They use nanogl to! Han.
  2. Hansel75

    How To Run C64/vic Games . . .

    Hi, i can confirm that montezuma.d64 works fine in Vice! Try another rom if you can. And yer, turn True Drive off or you will get very slow load times etc. I also run vice at 800mhz, Resid! Han.
  3. Hansel75

    Frodo (C64 Emulator)

    Hi dvp1964, as i mentioned in the other c64 topic, if u need any help with the emu's, let me know. Han.
  4. Hansel75

    Caanoo / WIZ Improved C64 Caanoo Emulation?

    Hi, sorry for the late reply as i have been away. dvp1964 if you still need any help with the c64 emu's, let me know. Just remember though that both Vice and Frodo on the caanoo have issues, and don't perform that great in a lot of games. Running frameskip at 1 in Vice makes the games run...
  5. Hansel75

    Warcraft Caanoo Port?

    Hi all! I need help with getting the pc port of Warcraft running, i have followed the instructions down to the last letter. I had to change the default ini as it was still setup for the wiz version. It shows up in my games menu ok now, but when i go to run it it just quits back to the menu. I...
  6. Hansel75

    What Are Your Favourite 8/16 Bit Soundtracks/songs?

    Anything by Martin Galway on C64 OWNS!!, game soundtracks like Wizball, Parallax, Green Beret, Ocean Loaders, Arkanoid, Combat School etc. Also anything Tim Follin done on the C64 was awesome to, like Ghouls+Ghousts, Bionic Commando.. Rub Hubbard did a lot of great C64 soundtracks as well, to...
  7. Hansel75

    Experiences With Your Caanoo And Other People!

    Hi, Firstly a joke- Q-How do you know if someone owns an Iphone? A-They tell You! Ok, on with the subject matter. I just wanted to share some experiences with my caanoo since having it. And would like to hear others stories as well, as i think the more we expose the caanoo to other people...
  8. Hansel75

    Phoneme And Wonderswan Emus?

    Hi all! I agree with you on getting these other emulators onto the caanoo, i would love to see these ported someday to. But i wonder if more is always a better thing? Considering some of the current emulators are still quite weak, like C64, 32X, GBA emu's for example, maybe someone with the...
  9. Hansel75

    How Many Games Do You Have On Your Caanoo?

    Hi, yer i know how to count the roms mate, thanks a lot anyway. I might count them all up later on, but there would be a few sets that would be difficult. The amiga roms for example, each game can be spread over multiple disks, so 1 game could have 2-4 rom images for each game. Same goes for...
  10. Hansel75

    How Many Games Do You Have On Your Caanoo?

    Hi, i would easily have 10000+ games on my caanoo's 32gb card, im not going to go counting them all though lol. But i think you will agree there would be well over 10000 games here. I mostly have full rom sets on for each emulator, this is my list- Nes (Full romset) Snes (Full romset) GB (Full...
  11. Hansel75

    Open Source Games List!

    Hi, i found this link and thought it might be of interest to some of you, for ideas on possible open source games to port to the caanoo. Hansel.
  12. Hansel75

    A Text To Speech Synthesizer!

    Hi again, just throwing some more ideas out there on possible caanoo ports. A software speech synthesizer, that converts text input into generated speech. Some possible programs of interest- ESpeak text to speech! (linux download and source)...
  13. Hansel75

    Caanoo / WIZ Improved C64 Caanoo Emulation?

    OK thanks for your time and effort pickle. Han.
  14. Hansel75

    Sidplay2X And Oldplay Ports?

    Hi, if anyone is interested in porting Sidplay, i found some more links containing the linux builds, plus looks like there is some source links in there as well- And as mentioned above, there is a Gp2x port already available...
  15. Hansel75

    Caanoo / WIZ Improved C64 Caanoo Emulation?

    Hi again and thanks for the explanations. As for CCS64, there is an old linux build available to download on the official site, it's down the bottom of there download list, under CCS64 V 1.09 - Linux, Unix. I also found this if it's of any use, looks like there might be some source material...
  16. Hansel75

    Pcsx Rearmed R11

    Hey, thanks also ruffnutts! I got the Cbin+Gui working ok last night, i converted some iso's with it and it did save a lot of space. I tested a few converted cbin games on my caanoo and they played fine. I should be able to fit almost twice as many games onto my card at a time now:) My 32gb...
  17. Hansel75

    Caanoo / WIZ Improved C64 Caanoo Emulation?

    Hi guys, thanks for the replies. So to play c64 games decently, i either need to buy a Dingoo or a Pandora, when i already have a Caanoo. I would of thought the Caanoo would be more then capable of handling a C64 emulator at decent speed? Vice is more compatible then Frodo, but a lot of...
  18. Hansel75

    Pcsx Rearmed R11

    Hi all, just wanted to say to Notaz that you really are a legend! Ever since this latest version of pcsxrearmed came out, i have been glued to my caanoo playing psx games decently. Something i never thought i would be able to do when i first bought my caanoo. To the extent that i had to buy a...
  19. Hansel75

    Caanoo / WIZ Improved C64 Caanoo Emulation?

    Hi all, any chances of seeing a better C64 emulator for the caanoo in the future? I have thoroughly used both Frodo and Vice for the caanoo, and both emulators have major issues in most games no matter what settings i have tried. Frodo runs at a decent speed, but sound emulation is poor and...
  20. Hansel75

    Sidplay2X And Oldplay Ports?

    Hi all, as there are no current players for the caanoo that support the c64 sid format, i was wondering if someone would be kind enough to try port Sidplay2x and Oldplay to the caanoo. They both offer sid playback support, and oldplay also supports many more formats as well! There are already...