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  1. Klaue

    Updater for PNDs?

    well, if there isn't something like this allready when I finally get the pandora, I might do it myself. Probably nothing too complicated.. A config file where you set the path(s) of your pnd directories, a pnd-update which does nothing more than compare the version tags with the app archive...
  2. Klaue

    The What Music Are You Listening To Thread

    I just love Symphony of Science
  3. Klaue

    Updater for PNDs?

    I just read the tread abead err about preparing stuff for when the pandora arrives and thought "yeah well, I collect the PNDs and when the Pandora finally arrives they're all outdated.." Then it struck me.. One of the things I liked the most about Linux is that all applications come from the...
  4. Klaue

    Halloween Retro Games "Playlist" - PSX and earlier

    How about "Monster Bash"? Not scary (you play a kid in pajamas ffs) but fits the theme
  5. Klaue

    Replacement Pandora Parts

    well, get your friend to send it back...
  6. Klaue


    Java isn't slow. It's a memory hog, yes, and it's startup is slow, but when it's running, it isn't slow. Java being oh so slow is most of the time just a myth. I will not deny that there are use cases where java will fail performance wise, but most of the time, the difference is so small that...
  7. Klaue

    Strip Pandora Panic

    Yeah, switch the legal drug for an illegal one! ;) "weed is healthier than alcohol" in 3.. 2.. 1.. :D
  8. Klaue


    Also, java is just fun to prog in compared to C++ or something :)
  9. Klaue

    Strip Pandora Panic

    well, depends..
  10. Klaue

    Shipping date?

    Ignore this post... fail
  11. Klaue

    Gah, blinking console line on Pandora' boot..

    Try to hit ctrl-shift-f1 (if that works on pandora) on my ubuntu, that gets me to the tty1 where all the boot messaes show up - there may be some info on what's wrong. Just a guess, though. I don't even know if there are F keys on the ubuntu :)
  12. Klaue

    Origin of name 'Pandora'

    snig·ger vi \ˈsni-gər\ snig·gered snig·ger·ing Definition of SNIGGER : snicker — snig·ger·er noun Examples of SNIGGER 1. <we sniggered as the actor kept forgetting his lines> Origin of SNIGGER by alteration First Known Use: circa 1706 Related to SNIGGER Synonyms...
  13. Klaue

    Cheat Engine

    I don't think so. The reason is that a properly programmed multiplayer game shouldn't be affected anyway. Say you change your health points in a shooter, then the server would not be affected, so while you would maybe see an increased amount of health in your client, the server will still kill...
  14. Klaue


    nope ;) It was very hard to get an official source (I know this from using the windows wrapper for the izpack installer, which failed for a program of mine on win 7, at least until I added the striing "install" to the file name...), but here it is...
  15. Klaue

    Cheat Engine

    That may very well be, but who runs games as root? ;) I think it was possible to change the value directly, or else the pointers in the game woul probably still point at the old value - but do your research, as I don't really remember it anyway :) If I do pick this old project up, I'll...
  16. Klaue


    Just an example of Windows 7 security. No program can write anything to c:\programs. except when its name includes "install" (installer.exe for example). yeah, that's right, a program with a FILENAME with "install" in it gets automatically more rights than any other. Serious security right...
  17. Klaue

    Becoming a dev

    Well, I may be alone with that here, but I think before even thinking about making games, you should know the language really good. Starting with a game does not seem like a good idea to me. Learning the language the proper way will take much time. Several months until you know the essentials...
  18. Klaue

    New users, say hello

    I think batch 1-ers can feel lucky if they get theirs for christmas. I don't really think batch 2 will come around this year
  19. Klaue

    The ever elusive nubs

    I am now sooo tempted to include a random lolcat pic just for the irony :D Aaah, latin, such a beautiful language. Too bad I got scared off because of the ablativ and that the only thing I remember now, years later, is stupid stuff like what some quotes mean and the quotes themselfes (lupus...
  20. Klaue

    Release Firefox 3.6.10

    if so, just go to about:config and change it to ram only.. (there may even be a setting for that in the normal config menu, diddn't check)