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  1. M

    Reesy Question

    It is pretty sweet, but drmd is the main emu I'm running right now (along w/ pretty much everyone else). I was hoping there's some kind of quick fix for this
  2. M

    Reesy Question

    I know this is a new feature, but is there any way we can get drmd to work properly w/ the tvout feature? As of right now, mine corrupts.
  3. M

    Firmware 1.2.0

    the first post in this thread makes me believe that drmd may need to be recompiled. Doesn't sound easy to me... but it could be. I wonder if Reesy has any comment on this?
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    Firmware 1.2.0

    just tv out, but the nes emu is perfect on my 43" plasma! (that's good lookin' mike tysons punchout)...but on drmd, the bottom half of the screen is corrupted.
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    Firmware 1.2.0

    new firmware does the trick,0,0,0,42,1121
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    Firmware 1.2.0

    the upgrade went smooth and when I hook up tv out, the video player and even the nes emu work great, but drmd has a corrupt screen on every rom. There was some mention that everything had to be based off official GPH SDL's is this part of that problem? How do we rectify? Any patches? Please...
  7. M

    "early Adoptors" Bonus Items?

    ordered from gbax in oct., they were already out of the free accessories. I did buy the case though and it's worth the $ IMO. It's pretty sleek and still fits in my inside pocket of my jacket, but it's big enough to hold my gp2x, 4ea extra batteries, my tv out cable, and my card reader and still...
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    Shoutout To Reesy! Fav. Gen/md Games?

    My still kicks ass
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    Shoutout To Reesy! Fav. Gen/md Games?

    Reesy, you rock. DRMDx is the shiznit. NBA Jam makes me want to hump your virtual leg! Anyhoo, since I'm spending most of my time w/ this emu, I'd just like to know what everybody's favorite genesis games are.... I love NBA Jam, Gunstar heroes, Vectorman, & Lion King (ya I know, but it's...
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    Arnlold Palmer Golf is buggy too
  11. M

    Nes2x Button Mapping?

    Is there any way to switch what controls the A & B buttons? Mike Tyson's Punchout is frustrating hitting the button on the right to throw a left!
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    Pokemon Crystal For Sonic-nkts Gnuboy + Script

    just buy a's worth the 15-20 USD to not have to wait for the 2x to connect (it's way faster too)
  13. M

    How To Install Gba Emu

    the only readme I have says it's a direct port of vba... that's it. Sorry if it's been posted before, couldn't find it. Any links?
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    Desert Strike fails to load game after intro. Donald Duck Maui Mallard background gets blocky
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    How To Install Gba Emu

    agreed, but it's nice to think one day it might be possible to have it all in one (if gba emu gets better)
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    How To Install Gba Emu,0,0,0,5,1018
  17. M

    How To Install Gba Emu

    can't seem to get this one to work at all. What directory do the files go in. Roms? Any help is appreciated
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    Which Gnuboy Emu Is Best?

    Do I have to do this w/ every rom every time I want to play one? There's no way to launch startup scripts for each game?
  19. M

    Which Gnuboy Emu Is Best?

    I have this one downloaded, but how do I install it? I don't know how to do it w/out a script launcher (.gpu file) Help...what do I do?
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    Power-on Probs.

    still have 1.0.1, but I've had boot probs also where it hangs on the green screen. I find I usually have this prob just after I put my sd in. I have to wait at least 10 seconds before I power on after sd is put in. Not too big of a deal, but it's frustrating when I'm testing things or moving...