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    [sdl] Sprite Locations When Using A Camera

    Not quite, only take away the camera.x and camera.y when you draw it.:) Enemy::Enemy() { x=100; y=50; xVel=0; yVel=0; } apply_surface(enemy.x - camera.x,enemy.y - camera.y, enemySprite, screen );
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    Question On Malloc And Free.

    I must admit I do find it interesting understanding how they are implemented. :) Although it can get frustrating quickly hehe. YakumoFuji thanks for the suggestion, memwatch is maybe a bit much for what I need though but it does look very good. Valgrind is something that I want to try out...
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    [sdl] Sprite Locations When Using A Camera

    Use the x and y as normal offsets of your level and only when you draw the sprite make sure it is relative to the camera. So say if you want an enemy at (100,150) and your camera was at (50,100) then you would draw the sprite at on the screen at - (100-50, 150 - 100) = (50,50). Make sure you...
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    Question On Malloc And Free.

    I would use the standard template library but I am coding in C and have not learnt the ways of C++ yet. :) Thanks for the suggestions skeezix using defines looks to be a good way of tracking and I wasn't aware of the predefined macros.
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    Question On Malloc And Free.

    Thanks for the replys all. :) I have made sure I am checking if the pointers are NULL now. :D The reason I want to do this is because I am trying to create a simple memory tracker that keeps hold of any memory allocated with malloc in a linked list. Whenever I needed to free memory the...
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    Question On Malloc And Free.

    Hi, I am try to allocate memory for two objects at the same time. This is so that I can quickly reference to the second object by pointer arithmetic. For example CODE void *memory = malloc(sizeof(int) + sizeof(char)); int *firstPart; char *secondPart; char *pointArith...
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    Gp3x And Its Competition

    I think the EEE PC is the closest competition. Should be about $200 / (£200 :rolleyes: ). Yeah its more like a mini laptop than handheld but it still looks very portable and quite cheap. Here is a good page on the specs a bit better than 3x I...
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    T.i.m - The Imploding Mutant ( Wip )

    Good to see you arn't going to get burnt out on this X-Code. :P
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    Craigix Discloses Information On New Gp2x?

    oh, almost forgot... a fine rocket launcher... That would be really good, I woudnt want the touchscreen though, could make the price higher. I also presume you mean no troubles to be good controls and decent battery life :P . I hope that the price is at most £150. No I am not asking for...
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    Gbax 2007 Coding Competition - Winners Announced

    Congrats to all the winners!! Also to all the entries! And thanks for the great competition Guyfawkes and Craigix, really brought out some great homebrew.
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    T.i.m - The Imploding Mutant ( Wip )

    Wow sounds really good X-Code! Thanks for the updates. :)
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    I should of known about the wrapper thanks! ;) I guess you could just check collisions for the head of a cromozone and the tail of one. Or nodes of the same type. Also when two heads collide, you can do a check for which is the longest/most balanced cromozone. Just some thoughts, it would...
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    Gbax 2007 Coding Competition Entries Online

    Thanks very much for the feedback! :) You can heal your infantry and buildings with the repair gun (you receive that on the third upgrade to the player) but currently there is no way for you to do the same as the ai. It would be very easy to program it in so that they would though. If you...
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    I feel you have done a good job with the graphics. It looks promising. For improvements if you are going to update it - Make the speed of the enemys a bit slower, it is a bit too hectic although I guess most shmups are. :D The controls do seem a bit laggy, maybe it takes a bit to long for the...
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    Tried it out properly this time. It is really good, seems original to me and its addictive too! :) I am however a bit confused about how you lose the game, I once got a mutation where I got lots of points but suddenly died afterwards. Does hitting the other larger cromozones destroy yours...
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    Gbax 2007 Coding Competition Entries Online

    For ventifact the archive is a bit messed up, I sent an update for it but there are now two .gpe's. Sorry about that! I am trying to upload a new version onto the GP32x file archive but it says something about an invalid licence? Anyway to get it to work you have to move the first gpe and put...
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    Status Of Psx4gp2x Work Being Done :)

    Nice! Iam going to try tombi again :)
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    Blast Riot!

    Agree with that, its definitely one of the best games I have tried so far!