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    Dingoo How To Compile An .app For Dingoo?

    I have only done a quick compile for the helloworldpixel ( and sdk example myself and that worked fine for me. It might be worth seeing if you have things set up correctly by compiling them first before your hombrew app. Then you could replace the files with your...
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    Dingoo How To Compile An .app For Dingoo?

    Hey, there should be a build batch file in the ccpmp directory, looking at the makefile in there this will compile all files in the ./main folder and ./../source/src. The output will be which can be used on the dingoo. goes into...
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    Merry Christmas -- Warcraft 2 Dos On Pandora!

    Very nice! Thanks skeezix and pickle :) Can you tell us what the cycle settings were?
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    Pandora Vs Acer Aspire One

    Heat can also be a problem with netbooks, especially when they are running cpu intensive stuff. It would be unusable on your lap after about 30 mins so unless you have a good setup, it will get very uncomfortable to game with.
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    Pandora, Some Actual Performance Numbers ..

    Wow that is impressive, thank you for posting. Very interesting even if it is not a fully accurate benchmark. Like fischju2000 said, is it possible to test at 900 mhz ? :)
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    Can I Buy A Re-order From A First Batcher Who Don't Want To Do It

    The problem is that there is no guarantee the pandora is going to be shipped before christmas at the moment. :( Even if it does then the people who managed to get their order in very quickly will be the only ones receiving it. They are also the most unlikely to be willing to sell it to you I am...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Hey, been following this thread for a while just have not got an idea on something yet. :( I do have a new state up and running now though, so it should not take long at all to get started. Thanks for setting up the framework nicely, things were pretty straight forward even for me :D. I have...
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    Dosbox Ready For Pandora

    Great! Thanks for the update :D I hope we do get some more testing and maybe even a video :) . 2000 cycles does seem a bit low when comparing it to other consoles (Although probably not an ideal thing to do), it would be good to know further about point 4.
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    Worst Average Posts Per Day Record?

    0.1 here (Not sure how this post will effect it, not much I guess :P ), I find that anything I could add has already been posted. Also I really struggle with structuring sentences and English in general, this means that it takes me a long time to post. No excuses either since I am from the UK.
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    Release Pandora Now Has 256mb Of Ram And 512mb Internal Nand Storage

    QUOTE That is obvious ;) haha true, just read the edit and another post on dc emu, ignore me :D
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    Release Pandora Now Has 256mb Of Ram And 512mb Internal Nand Storage

    Sorry about this but could you just confirm that if you do decide to upgrade the ram it would be for all orders and not just the ones that need to be corrected? Thanks for keeping us updated. This is good news if there is to be a delay
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    How Will Your Pandora Lose It's Virginity?

    I will probably run an episode of the Simpsons on it first, then try out dosbox (If available). Then try and port my program onto it and see how it runs. Although in the end it will mostly be used for psx. I doubt there will be any homebrew games ready but maybe the devs will surprise us :)
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    Official Promotion And/or Boot Animation/Jingle Thread.

    @DawnOfTheRent I agree with you, random boot animations would be great, then there is no need to struggle to choose which one is the best. :P WarmFluffyUK's logo4 is my favorite so far, I don't like sounds on boot up but I am sure thats no problem. :)
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    The Pandora Port Request Thread

    Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business is being sold online at GOG for $5, perhaps they will put up Jagged Alliance 2 one day. :) I think JA2 Gold comes with Unfinished Business so that should be enough to port? I really don't know anything about the games but they do look good and I would...
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    Dosbox Ready For Pandora

    Cheers Pickle, I am really looking forward to trying dosbox on the pandora.
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    Just Curious About Everyone...

    I get the impression that you are talking about people that are hyped about the device, which I think it is Ok so long they are not expecting anything above n64 emulation. I can't really imagine anyone wanting to buy something but having no idea what they will do with it. This is different than...
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    Memory And Pointer Troubles (mallocing Bytes !/4)

    Ah, thanks for stating this! I didnt really expect I would find much of a difference when coding on the gp2x/arm to coding on the pc/x86, but its good because I have learned more about how malloc works (I hope :D ). QUOTE On a more technical side, the gp32x kernel can be configured to handle...
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    Memory And Pointer Troubles (mallocing Bytes !/4)

    Hey all, think I am getting a bit out of my depth here but I am struggling to understand the reason why the code below does not work correctly - What I am trying to do is 1. Allocate a certain amount of bytes + (amount of bytes needed for a list) at the same time so I can access either one...
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    Upcomming Games And Emulators In 2008

    I agree it looks interesting Quiest :) Maybe an update to ventifact, I have done quite a bit to it so far but I am struggling with motivation and finishing it off by adding sound atm. :lol: