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    Stuff Review Of F200

    QUOTE ‘Homebrew’ games are mostly grotesquely bad. Hehehe they probably played my game, but anyway how rude! QUOTE so don’t expect to start seeing PSP or DS games on it yet. But keep watching… Well if they did search the forums they obviously didnt read them... :P
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    Opentyrian V0.3

    As said above, thanks very much for this. I looked into tyrian on the PC but never really gave it a go, on the GP2X it does seem to come alive.
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    Can I Please Start Again On The Right Foot This Time

    Thanks for clarifying and welcome back, it is always good to have more enthusiastic people. :)
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    Games Of 2007

    Most time gaming was spent playing online; Battlefield 2142, TF2, Vanguard. But I enjoyed Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (While using a walkthrough to get the good ending :D), Final fantasy 9, Global defence force and ICO from what I can remember. I tend to buy games when they are very cheap, so I...
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    QUOTE nerdy saddo's with nothing better to do probably all still living at home with your mums cos you aint never been laid Aha spot on! Since I have no life I looked at your previous posts and it seems to me that most people have been helpful/sympathetic. A few may have commented on your...
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    Xmas Advice

    Was going to suggest a HDTV but not sure if you have already got one. I havn't got a ps3 so cant really recommend but if you want to get it because of all the previous ps2 games then that sounds good as well. Probably want to check the compatibility list to check for the games you are interested...
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    T.i.m - The Imploding Mutant ( Wip )

    Sounds amazing :D The new ship looks great. Glad to see you are updating again. Cant wait until its released! :)
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    Your Favorite Homebrew Picks? Gp2x

    My favorites so far are - Sqdef - most played, quality game :) Protoza - simple but very addicting Blast riot - All round excellent game Cromozone - nice new twist in gameplay GP2X Sand - very relaxing Boomshine2x - same as above, nicely made Special mention goes to these (unfortunatly I am...
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    Creating Simple Sounds For Homebrew

    Thanks alot for your advice rokdcasbah. :) I am much more clear on what to do now!
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    Creating Simple Sounds For Homebrew

    I know it sounds like a stupid question, but how do you create some simple sounds for your game/program such as beeps for menus? Do you just record something in a mic then edit the wav using something like audacity until it sounds right or is there a more sophisticated approach? :P
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    Just A Thank You To The Devs

    Well said leathco! The amount of effort people have put in to make this machine really special is greatly appreciated. Both Programming and feedback/helping out on the forum.
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    GP2X Pssst!

    Yeah I hate doing menus, for me they are really hard to get right. My code gets really messy and the colours dont look the same on my gp2x as they do on a moniter. It gets tedius very quickly.
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    GP2X Pssst!

    As long as you have the motivation you will be able to finish it. :) I think this thread is useful for someone who is looking to create their first game especially if its SDL. It shows how much work must be done as well. I tried out the latest download and I think it has progressed really...
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    Cromozome V0.8

    Keep it up! Thanks for the vid. The menu music seems to start too loud for me maybe reduce it a bit. I think it is better to have it start off quiet than loud. :) The ingame music goes well with the game :), its good that you have 2 options of voice/no voice. (Not that the voices are bad but...
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    Pre-configured Codeblocks Sdk Rc5

    Hey don't apologise, much appreciated that you have made this package. :) It gives me a reason to have a go at linux, that was until I just read PokeParadox post! I really dont want to go back and install xp. :P
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    GP2X Pssst!

    Thank you for putting all this effort up to keep us informed on your progress Mr.Jabberwocky. :) I think the graphics look really good, well that was until I saw the spectrum boarder. :P I had a go at compiling the latest code that you released, on my laptop with vista and it works fine. I...
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    Pre-configured Codeblocks Sdk Rc5

    I am trying to devkitGP2X to compile on Vista. At first I got an error saying that it coudnt find cc1.exe, so I added C:\devkitGP2X\libexec\gcc\arm-linux\4.0.2 to the additional paths in toolchain executables. Then I had an error saying that arm-linux-c++ coudnt find ld.exe and as.exe so I...
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    Cromozome V0.5

    Much better without the pauses! :) I got to around 3400 points and the screen was flooded with cromozomes. How exactly do you die again? Is it when the cromozome you are controlling gets eaten up completly by the others? The graphics seem fine to me. :) Thanks for the update.
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    GP2X Pssst!

    I enjoyed reading How not to write a game. ;) Good luck with your new project. :)
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    A Little Assistance With Libraries...

    Hi, I am not to clear on linking yet either so if anyone can correct me please do. ;) I would download the prebuilt libraries and not the sourcecode, is the name from sourceForge. Then try and link it as you would SDL Image. :) I have hardly any knowledge of...