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  1. Viking

    Is it possible to port ANNO 1602?

    Aaw too bad :-/
  2. Viking

    Is it possible to port ANNO 1602?

    I wonder if it's possible to port ANNO 1602 to the Pandora. Would really love to see that game on my pandora, played it a lot as a kid!
  3. Viking

    What's your biggest fear in life?

    Guys, if this doesn't scare you at all. I'm obviously a wuss..
  4. Viking

    Starcraft 2?

    I played through the campaign and a few games with my friends. But I have this one friend who practised all the time, so now me and my other friends are no match for him. That's when I stopped playing, just hate it when you have this one friend that is superior in one spesific game. Like that...
  5. Viking


    It's so weird that three of us are now finding out that their pandoras have faulty LCD cables :S
  6. Viking


    NOOOOO!! Mine is also getting this weird purple screen :'( And I also got mine in February, odd..
  7. Viking

    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    Goldeneye works alot better now! Downloaded the repo from the appstore, and it works propperly now. But is it me or is it totaly uncomfortable to play goldeneye? feel like I have to take a minuite to lock on an enemy :S
  8. Viking

    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    Yeah, used the repo from this topic. I deleted everything that have something with mupen to do, then put the new one on my pandora. And still Goldeneye is pretty unplayable at 1 GHz...
  9. Viking

    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    If you look further up this topic, you see I didn't make a backup :P
  10. Viking

    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    I deleted the mupen folder in appdata and removed the app before getting the new one. Is that enough?
  11. Viking

    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    I think most of us gets confused when somebody says "It runs perfect". I ran Goldeneye at 1 GHz and it does not run perfect at all, not even playable. Skies are hanging and it's pretty laggy. Zelda it's a bit better now? But I got a question about the Graph Conf. the hacks, are they making the...
  12. Viking

    I think I should formly Introduce myself

    I wonder if it's possible to connect your pandora anywere as long one has WLAN. I think i tried this with my Iphone a loooong time ago so I could remotly control my computer at home while beeing at school, and it worked. Could we use something like that, and stream games to the pandora?
  13. Viking

    Any good RPG games?

    True, it's an action adventure game. Or just an adventure game :)
  14. Viking


  15. Viking

    The Alcohol Thread

    My favorite beer is Newcastle brown ale, everything about it is just right! And I don't drink liquor, stoped after smacking some of my friends. Don't worry, I just get annoying and give everyone a little slap on their face.
  16. Viking

    Any good RPG games?

    YES!! I remember playing Seiken Densetsu 3!! I loved that game, used to play as the thief :D Thank you so much for your help Ikreos! And thanks for the recommendations guys, lot to pick up! You guys are NOT gonna see me for a while now :P
  17. Viking

    Best phone to use with Pandora...

    I tried to install an Android OS that should work, buuuut I think it was for the T-mobile version :P I think there's a howto unbrick for HTC HD2, but never got around fixing it. It's a pretty neat phone, awesome camera! But it gets slower if you have it on for 3 days or so. But that just...
  18. Viking

    I feel like going back to my old job as the village idiot

    Haha, understand your spoiler edit Sony! But yeah, it kinda looks like a naked rat's tail
  19. Viking

    Any good RPG games?

    I've played secret of mana I and secret of evermore, evermore is one of my favorite rpg games! But King's Field sounds interesting, shall check that out too :P Newcomer, never heard of it. But it's kinda mind boggling that someone want to use 20 years making a game for the C64? But looks cool!