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  1. M

    How Far Would You Go?

    I would go as far as being the one giving it to you ..... bitch. :blink: Although even then some .. *ahem* supplements ( :P ) would be required to coax me. Still, for a GP2X ... Martin
  2. M

    Anyone Got Theirs Yet??-gp2x

    A 'bog' is a toilet, 'carling' is a beer. Thankfully male-male fellatio is not involved ('not that there is anything wrong with that' as seinfield would say !). Martin
  3. M

    Interesting Deals

    Just back on the batteries, do they have to supply a perticular voltage to best support the GP2X ? I seem to be finding more 1.2v rechargable AAs than 1.5v. Furthermore, I have a charger at home that came with 4 x 1.2v AAs. If there is no limitiation, I will just use these. Cheers Martin...
  4. M

    2 Weeks After Everyone Get Their Gp2x's

    My first *ahem* console was a binatone X (6 or so) in 1 TV game system, back in the very early 80's (possibly late 70s). Featuring X versions of pong, renamed to stuff like: Tennis Squash Football etc etc etc They were all pong ... more or less. Back then, you could never have enough, pong...
  5. M

    Another Bad News From

    Those people bailing now, in the "Final hours/days" etc before release - from what they have said, I am suprised they pre-ordered in the first place. It sounds like it was never what they were after, but maybe they jumped on the bandwagon to hang out with some funky people for a while. It'll...
  6. M

    Gp32z Shipping

    Blimey, now that takes me back ... :blink: Martin
  7. M

    Gp32z Shipping

    My wife's a Kiwi, from Timaru (South Island). I am English (well, family moved to Australia back in 1981, when I was 12), we have 3 aussie born kids. Needless to say it makes for some interesting times when the rugby is on. We get over to NZ every year, to catch up with the missus' family...
  8. M

    Shadow Warrior: A Request

    Just PM'd you. I have found the files, and rar'd them up ready. Just need to figure out how to get them to you (4.6MB). I shall have to have a read of that Linux games book aswell, prep myself for some coding. Looking forward to it. Martin
  9. M

    Shadow Warrior: A Request

    Gotta agree with you there. I have a few XX for Dummies books, on programming languages. I find them to be a great learning resource. Way better than ahem, accidently buying a reference manual and then attempting to learn from it (nigh on impossible most of the time). Oh and, fishybawb, I will...
  10. M

    Shadow Warrior: A Request

    Not so releveant to learning c/c++, but there are some good books here for learning unix / linux. I mostly use it for the books on perl and java though. Check it out anyway if you get a chance. Also, if anyone is interested in either of the following books, I...
  11. M

    Shadow Warrior: A Request

    Its interesting reading some of these posts on coding. I have been coding since I was 13 (BASIC on my vic-20) - I will be 37 in 2 months time. Been coding professionally for, what, 14 years or so now (the rest is hobby stuff, or uni stuff). Even when not coding at work (maybe in a lengthy...
  12. M

    Where Are You Based?

    Sydney, Australia .... Cheers Martin
  13. M

    Where Did You Here About Gp2x?

    Here: A forum for the fans and readers of the now dead UK Retro Gamer Mag. Someone on there mentioned the GP2X a few months back. I was always keen on getting a GP32, but it never happened. However the GP2X definately will. Martin
  14. M

    Gp2x Review - Proper Trans.

    Only problem with reading great preview/reviews like that ... it makes me want it even more, and want it right now. The wait is killing me (I am not one known for my patience). Martin :rolleyes:
  15. M

    Perfect Snes For Gp2x

    That is indeed a great little article, well worth a good read ! Martin
  16. M

    Gp2x In Australia

    Wow ... I have an EB about 7 minutes walk from where I work (here in North Ryde). If it does, I will hang out there a bit more, and talk more people into buying one. Martin
  17. M

    Anyone Else Saving Up?

    36 - 3 kids (all < 5), a missus, one income and a huge mortgage. I would have been saving, but my nana left me some $$s in her will, so I am treating myself - and I can't wait. Every day I read this board I get more itchy ... gotta have one, gotta have one now ! Martin
  18. M

    Noob Question....need A Straight Answer

    Well put. Noob myself (first post the other week) I want to code for the machine, as well as get into some emu's and home brew. To be honest I probably enjoy coding stuff more nowadays than playing games, but hopefully with the gp2x I will be able to adjust that balance and get it right. Can't...
  19. M

    Quick Question

    I know my dissapointment about *not* getting a gp32. However now I know incredible anticipation and excitement at definately getting a GP2X. :D Martin
  20. M

    Greetings From A Noob

    > I see you're not the usual (how long till it can play psp) kind of noob! Classic ... No thats not me. Apart from the fact that I am a retro freak, I also do some homework before jumping into something. My current thoughts are, If I can play one or more of the following on the GP2X, I will be...