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  1. ZeroOne

    Borked Charging wire

    Sup folks, I have been enjoying heavy use of my pandora for just over a year without any problems but recently my charger appears to have succumbed to a common wirebreak which forces me to fiddle around with the jack to get the pandora charging... this in and of itself would not really be any...
  2. ZeroOne

    Game reviews in 5 words

    Medieval murder and incest simulator aka. The Empire of Cornwall rises
  3. ZeroOne

    Do you smoke? <Revisited>

    Haven't smoked in 6 years and haven't touched alcohol in 3. Partially because I prefer to spend my money on videogames and partially because of my social anxiety and I don't like going outside to purchase them.
  4. ZeroOne

    Talk About GTA

    I expected a topic of speculation on GTA 5 when I came in here and I got a fairly heated discussion on the ethics of violence in videogames. Lovely, it's like I'm back in 2003 again, Jack Thompson is running around sueing Take Two over GTA III, I'm 13 years old and playing Vice City for the...
  5. ZeroOne

    Troll Alert

    I never quoted on your experience, I may have incorrectly assumed you took the "black or white" argument because you had an established view on the situation and viewed anyone who didn't share this view as opposition. I apologise if this is incorrect. Yeah, its not exactly chivalrous but I...
  6. ZeroOne

    Troll Alert

    I just noticed this thread and was going to add my 2 cents but I don't think I am going to do that anymore on any public forum since any viewpoints I hold will probably get tarred as misogyny... I am honestly sick of voicing genuine criticism on Anita because it just ends up getting tarred as...
  7. ZeroOne

    Bad games that are actually good.

    I freaking LOVE this game. From the ability to develop cyber implants which make you jump higher and gain a mario-like stomp to the ability to hack anything in the universe including people. I had wayyyy too much fun with this game.
  8. ZeroOne

    Ouya - Android based open gaming console

    They did mention that they will be taking 30% of developer profits on official games sold over their market. Whether or not this will cover the hardware costs is... well... I don't know.
  9. ZeroOne

    A-Z with games / game characters

    Crazy Taxi
  10. ZeroOne

    What are you playing this weekend/these days?

    The Binding of Isaac just got a new expansion and it is really damn hard. I highly recommend it.
  11. ZeroOne

    A-Z with games / game characters

    Yu Gi Oh - Forbidden Memories
  12. ZeroOne

    What does the new case look like?

    Looking forward to these photos ^^
  13. ZeroOne

    Game reviews in 5 words

  14. ZeroOne

    Longest living console?

    My gameboy survived regular trips in the washing machine, droppings down the stairs and buried halfway to hell in muddy ground from my childhood... The battery cover is missing, the screen cover is gone and the power switch regularly gets stuck but you know what? it still works.
  15. ZeroOne

    The biggest computer/gaming mistake you have ever made.

    Sonic 06... My childhood's ass is still red :(
  16. ZeroOne

    [SOLVED] New Pandora Owner - Conky issues

    hurrah! that fixed it :) thanks for the help.
  17. ZeroOne

    [SOLVED] New Pandora Owner - Conky issues

    Ah! My apologies, I am currently using SuperZaxxon Beta 3... so close. I'll give this a try then.