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  1. Balzac2m

    WiFi Nutzung per Nintendo DS ?

    Na, dann schreib ich auch mal wieder was Was der Threadopener glaube ich vergaß zu erwähnen und was der Fall ist, wenn ich mich recht entsinne: Wenn man opera für den nds kauft, kann man damit die Hotspots von T-Online benutzen. Sollte es nicht möglich sein, diesen Account ohne den nds-opera zu...
  2. Balzac2m

    Video.... Soon.

    If MWeston finds the time, he will shoot a video of a Pandora CNC Case complete with prototype keymat and buttons. The video won't be of the quality of EDs videos, he will play a SEGA Something emulator.
  3. Balzac2m

    Zomb''d Development Page.

    Clearly a Nerconomicon should be somewhere in the game.
  4. Balzac2m

    [poll] Vote For Nulldc Dreamcast Emulator On Pandora!

    One of the NullDC-devs made this poll. Thanks anyway for your comment.
  5. Balzac2m

    Two-player Mode + Emulators?

    Well, it works like you'd imagine. You plug in 2 gamepads and the emulator emulates 2 gamepads plugged in the console. Ready to go. If the Emulator supports output on the TV-Out you can even play on a TV set, if not, you're stuck with watching on the pandora screen.
  6. Balzac2m

    Two-player Mode + Emulators?

    twoplayer-mode will most certainly be possible for most Emus as a lot of them already have it and there is no need to throw it our for the pandoraport. Don't wait for PS2, XBox and PSP. Really.
  7. Balzac2m

    [poll] Vote For Nulldc Dreamcast Emulator On Pandora!

    Just wanted to add that I am absolutely thrilled that you are trying to port/code a DC-Emulator! It's just that I like the game "Hitman" on the Dreamcast very much and it would be really hard to play without analogue shoulderbuttons, but there are plenty of other games to play. When my Pandora...
  8. Balzac2m

    [poll] Vote For Nulldc Dreamcast Emulator On Pandora!

    I agree that emulating the Dreamcast-Joypad would be fairly hard. There are lots of games which use the analogue shoulderbuttons, especially games where you handle something that moves (cars, bikes, airplanes). Anyone got an idea how to emulate it? I can't come up with a decent idea, the only...
  9. Balzac2m

    Oled And Pandora2

    I guess the main factor is price. The pandora ist really cheap and despite the fact that OLEDs in that size are hard to come by these days, they would most likely be more expensive than LCDs. BUT I guess that OLED is one of the features that aren't that unlikely to be featured even in Pandora...
  10. Balzac2m

    Warum hat die Pandora LCD und nicht OLED etc.?

    Ich tippe mal, dass wenn es irgendwann mal 800*480px 4"-Displays mit Touchscreen als OLED gibt, die genausoviel kosten wie LCDs, ist das nicht mal unmöglich ;)
  11. Balzac2m

    Out Of The Box

    germany got scart too
  12. Balzac2m

    BILDER des CNC - Gehäuses !!!

    Vermutlich ist es vergleichen mit der aktuellen Situation ohnehin wie Urlaub. Wenn der größte Stress wegfällt und man sich "nur" noch mit Softwareproblemen rumschlagen muss, ist doch alles gleich viel schöner. Aber Urlaub muss natürlich trotzdem irgendwann sein.
  13. Balzac2m

    Was ist "schwul" ?

    EDIT by Thrake: Es geht darum, ob das wort "Schwul" eine Beleidigung ist oder nicht. Die Diskussion ist durch diese Bemerkung entfacht.
  14. Balzac2m

    Price Of Pandora

    Absolutely. Given the specs, 400 Euro wouldn't be that unreasonable.
  15. Balzac2m

    Anyone Else Here Losing Interest?

    i can't relate to lousy apple products, so i'm still interested
  16. Balzac2m

    What About Quake Live?

    How did you come to this conclusion? Only open games will work. The client to quake live is not open, so nogo.
  17. Balzac2m

    Pandora Launch Party!

    Ich würde grundsätzlich schon kommen, aber es ist natürlich abhängig vom Termin.
  18. Balzac2m

    Die Puzzleteile fügen sich langsam zusammen

    Das heißt, wir schauen momentan auf Ende April / Anfang Mai? Immerhin noch unter 6 Monaten Gesamtverzögerung.
  19. Balzac2m

    What About Quake Live?

    Short answer is: ID would have to do it. They would have to release a Linux ARM Version. It's not impossible. But having native Quake3 is the better way for the pandora. Otherwise, you would have to start firefox (which uses ressources) to play a game which runs natively anyway.
  20. Balzac2m

    New Orders

    More like "It may be possible that this device under certain circumstances interferes with another device." Which means nothing will ever happen.