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  1. Balzac2m

    A Harsh Dose Of Reality

    Say hello to my little friend.
  2. Balzac2m

    Pandora "console" Version

    I guess they won't. And if they would, producing a special case for it would likely result in a more expensive device.
  3. Balzac2m

    2Nd Review Case Should Arrive Soon.

    It makes clear that they hadn't arrived by Jan 19th at an undisclosed location, yes.
  4. Balzac2m


    Da der Thread hier ja eh nicht zu viel Nutzen bietet, steuere ich noch was bei. Das Recht der ersten Nacht hat es nie gegeben, wie in Alain Boureaus "Das Recht der ersten Nacht" schön nachzulesen ist. Eine Urban Legend par excellence.
  5. Balzac2m

    Pandora As An Educational Tool.

    While I think the Pandora would make a great companion for students, it hasn't exactly a typing experience for writing thousands of sites with it. While people who are new to typing may be as fast as on a "proper" keyboard at first, there is now way that typing speed can hold up for long. As a...
  6. Balzac2m

    Dvd Playback?

    This shouldn't be a problem. Please be aware that most DVD-USB-Drives exceed the 500mA power limit of USB. In most cases, an extra psu will be needed. I don't know of the legal situation in your country, but ripping the movie to a compressed format and putting it on SD may be the superiour solution.
  7. Balzac2m

    Verschiedene Gedanken zur Pandora

    Um was geht es hier? Dieser Thread basiert auf einer Diskussion, in der es um die verschiedenen Aspekte der Pandora geht. Von "Alternativen zur Pandora" bis "OpenSouce Software" wird hier alles diskutiert, was nirgendwo reinpasst. ------------------------------------------------- Alternativen...
  8. Balzac2m

    Little Questionnaire

    2 media player 1 personal video 1 personal audio 0 house player 5 game console 1 simple or logic games 3 emulated systems 1 native games 2 computer companion 1 internet 0 work/job 1 personal
  9. Balzac2m

    Neue Gehaeuse mit Silk-Screening

    Der Hauptgrund, warum ich unbedingt will, dass die Pandora kommt, ist, dass diese völlig in's Blaue vermuteten Posts endlich aufhören und sich die Community wieder um Interessanteres kümmert. Das ist sowohl auf gp32x wie auch hier mittlerweile katastrophal. Ich beschränke mich ja schon auf...
  10. Balzac2m

    My Pandora Preview

    Oh sorry, I didn't mention that. I watched one video where some Asian orchestra plays some classic music. I watched it using mplayer (with some gui, gmplayer perhaps?) which had some problems when the menu appeared, it flickered. This is just a software problem though. It looks nice, but to be...
  11. Balzac2m

    My Pandora Preview

    You're not by any chance the legendary zatzen from cologne? I didn't have a direct comparison (should have asked though) but iirc, the speakers are at least as good. I always used headphones when playing DS. Okay cool. You're welcome to use the picture if you want to have a face like that on...
  12. Balzac2m

    Where's The Cases?

    Yeah, let's blame it on someone. It's the only way the pandora gets shipped faster.
  13. Balzac2m

    My Pandora Preview

    That would be nice. You welsh actually speak english? ;) edit: Actually, just do it if you have fun doing it. I'm just interested in my errors, the rest can live with them! As far as I know, nobody else has contacted ED for a visit.
  14. Balzac2m

    My Pandora Preview

    Heh, okay. I read the forums quote often but I must have missed that. Thanks for the clarification :)
  15. Balzac2m

    My Pandora Preview ? I don't get. Thanks for the thanks folks, it was my pleasure :)
  16. Balzac2m

    My Pandora Preview

    Oh yes, yes he is. Way more I'd say. I'm just a consumer, but it is his baby. He told me it is better than he anticipated.
  17. Balzac2m

    My Pandora Preview

    Well, to be honest, I told ED that I will indeed steal it but he made a good point telling me that this will slow down the pandora-development because he can't use his after it's gone and has to wait for a new one. So I'm just being nice to all you poor guys who never touched the holy grail of...
  18. Balzac2m

    Man kann sie schon fast selber spüren.

    Soah, für übersetzen bin ich jetzt zu faul, ich hoffe ihr könnt englisch:
  19. Balzac2m

    My Pandora Preview

    Today I am invited to a birthday party in berlin, so I took the opportunity and invited myself to EvilDragon's home in Ingolstadt to have a look at his pre-production pandora. While Ingolstadt isn't exactly on the way between Karlsruhe and Berlin, I figured having a premature look at the pandora...
  20. Balzac2m

    Man kann sie schon fast selber spüren.

    foddo ist eingepackt, extra gestern von 'nem Kumpel geliehen, momentan hab ich keinen tauglichen. Video leider nicht, vielleicht had ED ja was rumliegen ;). Ansonsten, Erfahrungsbericht gibt es sicherlich, grundsätzlich eher auf englisch, eventuell habe ich aber die Muße, um den auch nochmal...