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  1. Balzac2m

    New Ed Wideo

    omgomgomg I've been there once :)
  2. Balzac2m

    Stop me if you think you've heard this one before

    I guess you know the site, but for stiff collars, have a look at
  3. Balzac2m

    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    By far not a complete list, just pulled some available data from wikipedia but it may be helpful for testing nonetheless: Crash Bandicoot: Warped, Spyro the Dragon Tekken 3 Gran Turismo Gran Turismo 2 Ape Escape and from the internets...
  4. Balzac2m

    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    Hi everybody and thanks again to notaz, just got an Insolvenzgeldbescheid (no way im trying to translate what that is) an will get a bit of money in the near future, I'll make sure something reaches you ;) One question though: Do the nubs work? Do I have to setup them somehow? I can't get them...
  5. Balzac2m

    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    Looks superb. Just played a bit GT2 which ran fine, only the textures on the cars are missing.
  6. Balzac2m

    are you at 27c3 and wanna see a pandora

    hi everybody, im at the 27c3 for the next few days and if you are there too and wanna meet and see the pandora, we can meet up. Just drop me a line in here and we'll figure something out. my best b2m
  7. Balzac2m

    I Still Got My Pandora

    thanks for your sms, by the way. that is some class a support :)
  8. Balzac2m

    I Still Got My Pandora

    Last weekend, I went to the way of darkness festival, which is about 4 hours by train from me and took my pandora. I left my pandora in my tent fearing it would be crushed attending bands like possessed, the crown or delirium tremens. When i came back, my tent was slit open. I was in fear. My...
  9. Balzac2m

    German Orders Shipped Later

    booooooooh! That sucks! :( ;)
  10. Balzac2m

    [Yapp] Pandora Nightmares?

    I couldn't find a dream-thread so this will have to do. Last night, I dreamed of EvilDragon, fully dressed as a pirate (real badass, he should try it) who was preparing to do a presentation on Augmented Reality. He explained it to another pirate who completely looked like Oliver Korittke, but...
  11. Balzac2m

    Put The "ship" In Shipping?

    Spot-On. Don't ship them by ship. An uncle of mine is captain at hapag lloyd and everything he told me about his profession supports qbject's posting.
  12. Balzac2m

    Fellow Pre-Orderers: Reveal Yourselves

    You look like a guy who is every year at the Open Ohe Festival in Mainz juggling.
  13. Balzac2m

    Hands Up If You Are A Developer And Don't Care About Paint.

    I can't remember anythin that happened and took less than two weeks.
  14. Balzac2m

    Hands Up If You Are A Developer And Don't Care About Paint.

    gotta say that I didn't disagree on anything I read from you here. I couldn't care less about looks. If it works (including buttons), give it to me. I would have been happy with EDs prototype I'm holding in my avatar. Well, with fixed Wifi, that is.
  15. Balzac2m

    Release Fullspeed Amiga Emulation On Pandora!

    That's what I was thinking. Just let the touchscreen behave like it's a mouse and make it switchable (so it won't e.g. mouse over-highloight everything in a menu or something). This will certainly give unwanted effects in 3D-Environments, but it should be fine for 2D.
  16. Balzac2m

    Talks From A Assembly Company.

    If the parts arrive this month, just send them all over to me, I'll put 4000 pandoras together before the year ends.
  17. Balzac2m

    Billy Goat, Billy Goat, Gruff! Gruff! Gruff!

    I don't know what this thread is about so I'll post a picture of ED's twitter on an internet-something in karlsruhe downtown:
  18. Balzac2m

    How Many 'slots' Are Really Left?

    April's fool? Wanna here the order number-meme again?