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  1. G

    Beats Of Rage

    Just fixed my shoulder buttons and they fell miles better :D Anyhoo, I saw that the LCD driver chip was a samsung one so its gotta be a normal BLU. Just hope that no closed source stuff does an auto detect and gives no smanual switch option :(
  2. G

    Movies On Gp32

    It took me ages to find a way to convert DVD vob files to avi, but I eventually found this (the files comes out with a different extension but alls fine, just change it to *.avi), I used the *.wav option for audio. Then I divx'ed it in virtualdub. I...
  3. G

    Portable Gaming Website

    Atari Lynx II B) Heres some thoughts: Make the console manufacturer title thin graphics that incorporate the company logo is possible Move the quick links to the bottom of the navigation column. That would mean that there is enough space for you to put the content (ie your lynx page etc) on...
  4. G

    Horror Of Horrors!

    Personally I'd get a gp32, but then I am biased :P But if you think the psp *might* do what you want, perhaps you could look at buying a secondhand gp32 no light unit (NLU) or gp32 front light unit (FLU) and wait for the psp scene to mature a little and get one when those *mights* turn into...
  5. G

    Rf Link

    Just wondered, I've seen a black gp-link on ebay and I've just seen that fSMS has an option for using the link but the option has (black) next to it. Are the black links different to the white link at all? (apart from colour of course ;) )
  6. G

    What's The Best Mp3 Player?

    I agree, iPods are overrated, overpriced and IMHO, not all that nice looking neither.
  7. G

    Beats Of Rage

    Well 'not compatable' is what gbax told me :huh: If it can work on my old BLU then they have lost a psu sale atm, at least until I want to but anything else off them (postage ya see). Their site psu description says "Works with new GP32BLU (Units from December 2004 onwards)"
  8. G

    Beats Of Rage

    I've managed to change it to a non-BLU+ config now :D (aint got a clue why I couldn't do it last time [prob user error :rolleyes: ] It still auto detects and fubars up the screen while the intro is on (cos the config loads in after the intro prob?). I'm sure there will be at least a batch of...
  9. G

    Beats Of Rage

    OK, this is is abit freaky :huh: I've only got sensible soccer to test osnes so I didnt find out how to get the emus menu up. Now I have got to it up, the screen does show a thick multi coloured line (majority is blue) at the screen top, which goes not appear in-game or at emu startup. So I...
  10. G

    Ah Catsmanga Daioh?

    Cheers for that RickyX :D
  11. G

    Beats Of Rage

    I wanted to know if my gp32 had a hardware problem and also make certain whether I needed to use BLU games or BLU+ games, so yeah that was a big deal :P Now I know my gp32 is not faulty and I can use any games with it so: :D
  12. G

    Beats Of Rage

    I've just tried the non-BLU+ version with sensible soccer and I got no thick grey line. All I can think of is to try downloading and reinstalling BOR again, but thats probably not worth it atm :unsure:
  13. G

    Beats Of Rage

    Hardcore, Mr_Munk knows the score! ;) B)
  14. G

    Beats Of Rage

    The firmwire says: FW Version :1.6.6 (2003.5.21) I've had no bad effects on any other game that I've noticed yet. I've used DrMD to run Dino Dini's soccer. Some of the letter spaces were replaced by blocks but I figured that was cause the game was a WIP. It ran like that on the Samsung...
  15. G

    Beats Of Rage

    I've look for this and cant see it anywhere. Playing BOR I notice it has the top pixel line placed at the bottom of the screen. Is this a known bug? I'm pretty sure I haven't got a BLU+
  16. G


    Hows about Flash and Java? Plus, abit out there, Infusio (on some phones). And a BBC and Acorn Electron emu B)
  17. G

    Easy Overclocking

    Well I wouldn't use anything to stick the graphite, but if you decide to do so, make sure the glue etc isnt conductive itself; some glues are.
  18. G

    Easy Overclocking

    Extremely happy :D I hope you are to :D
  19. G

    The Truth About The Pencil Trick

    IMHO, the wrong point is getting the most debate. The biggest problem is the time it takes to get it right and the fact that you'll probably have to redo the trick every month or so. Where as if you (or someone else) changes the resistor or parallels two resistors, its quicker to acheive and its...
  20. G

    Gpcinema And Google

    I like the Legolas avatar Propeller :lol: Hey look, its a widescreen emoticon :ph34r: