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  1. G

    Isn`t It Beautiful?

    These are in my garden:- Taken with my magic, super fun happy MX-2900 thats about as old as a digi cam can get :) And heres me about to overtake a GT40:- (OK, perhaps my memories abit clouded about the facts :P )
  2. G

    Learn Korean Site about learning Korean. It looks pretty helpful (the pages I've read so far are anyway)
  3. G

    Gpx2 Port

    Top right: is that a port like on the gp32 or is it the SD slot? (I've never used SD before) Looks like its on the bottom, so its a port? That would be nifty, I wanted a port on it :)
  4. G

    First Gpx2 (prototype) Video Footage

    Darn, I downloaded the big one too :rolleyes: Looks like they'll have official GPH emulators on the unit then?
  5. G

    Atari Lynx Ii Backlight

    I've got a dead lynx (and a live one :)). The dead ones in pieces, but, what is the backlight?, it looks like a mini flurescent tube light to me but surely it cant be? Doh!! stupid board changing the title from II to Ii :P
  6. G


    I'd like a Infra-Red port so I could use my Psion Revo+ keyboard with it :D
  7. G

    Any Lighting Solution For Unlit Gp32

    Just an idea, I have a BLU so haven't tried this. If you have a mobile with a big lit screen you might get a more even light. Get a plain white background, those ringtone places sell the white backgrounds but it'd be alot cheaper if you can load it from a pc. Plus you wont need to replace...
  8. G


    They do work...when you try the waybackmachine ;) Though it seems to have slipped a cog just at the moment in time :rolleyes:
  9. G

    Naming To Be Announced Today Of Tomorrow

    No, its MY thread :lol: I'm getting a bit emotional because I really wanna see the system do well ;) I've buggered it up abit, sorry :blink: :rolleyes: Admin feel free to spam my forum ( if you need vengence :P
  10. G

    Naming To Be Announced Today Of Tomorrow

    the thing wont let me edit :lol:
  11. G

    Naming To Be Announced Today Of Tomorrow

    ok, I'll save it till the names definate ;)
  12. G

    Gp32 Micro?? Don't I Wish!!

    take both eye patches off? ;) (and yes, this is a joke :P )
  13. G

    Will It Turn Into Us And Them?

    Ditto. I have a poster as well :D Oh yeah. No matter whether peeps get a GPx2 or a XGP, I'm sure the vast majority will still be united with gp32_console ownership :) I still plan to support the gp32 as well as the next gen. I probably wont get around to completing owt though :(
  14. G

    Gp32 Micro?? Don't I Wish!!

    Damn right. Those virtualboys are made to make your eyes water :o I'd still like to buy one though :) I prefer the original gba to the sp. Its alot nicer to hold, esp with the grip/battery pack I have. The dicking around trying to see the screen, moving out of glare and it having no light...
  15. G

    Ghetto Shoulder Button Fix

    The leg with the circle presses the button's microswitch down, the other leg rests on a plastic pin near the circuit board to supply the button's springyness just like the metal bit in a clothes peg works.
  16. G

    Sonic Ii Help

    Well I was talking about the sliding platforms just before the rotating blocks...I have managed to get past that part now and on to the rotating blocks, which I am stuck at now too :rolleyes:
  17. G

    Australia Bans Gta

    Its all abit hazy to me now but I seem to recall it being 'outlawed' for a short period - a week or a fortnight or so. Though I am carp at remembering stuff :unsure:
  18. G

    Australia Bans Gta

    I'm pretty sure the first GTA was banned briefly after release and then unbanned shortly after that.
  19. G

    Sonic Ii Help

    I've got to Chemical Plant Zone, level 2 I think. I'm getting stuck at one place: I cant get past the two yellow platforms that are over the water. Is there a strategy to use? Is there a way to fudge past it? cheers
  20. G

    Image Viewer

    Doh!! yeah, IIRC now the 32bit is the cpu isn't it? 8mb RAM. Thats surprising, I guessed that the gp32_console had more than that.