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  1. P

    Dosbox Ready For Pandora

    Awesome, Thanks Pickle. I can't wait :D
  2. P

    What's The First Thing You'll Do With Your Pandora?

    Send Craig and co a big ass thank you.
  3. P

    15th Preorder Confirmed?

    I think that's a pretty good idea personally. I'm sure a lot of us want to buy one (or maybe two) for friend(s) but when it comes down to it, if they really want one they can order them themselves!
  4. P

    Future Pandora's Owners : Where Do You Live ?

    An Englishman, from England myself.
  5. P

    Pandora For The Car

    I'd definitely like to see what comes of that. When/if the right programs become available, it would make quite a useful device for car travels!
  6. P

    A Couple "potential" Ideas

    I'm always impressed with the Ds homebrew scene, there seems to be a lot of quality titles. It would certainly be great to see a few of them on the pandora, just to get some more use out of the touchscreen! (Though saying that, my ds screen's are scratched up now!)
  7. P

    What Linux Distribution On Pandora?

    Mindlord has it pretty much summed up in my eyes, although you could obviously get different distro's up and running (and lord knows we will), the Pandora Distro's going to have to be it's own.
  8. P

    Pre-orders Confirmed For 30th Sept

    Every time I have had something held by customs, they've charged almost what the item's have been worth. As for the "special preorders" if it were to happen, they'd surely have to be a system like the one God Ginrai suggested, otherwise when the news spreads, they'll be new members galore...
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    Psp Emulation

    Without going into specifics, no there won't be a chance of psp emulation. Edit: *wonders if God Ginrai will become an official translator :lol: *
  10. P

    Cvg Post News Of Pandora!

    QUOTE C&VG is a shadow of it's former self. First the mag goes, then the website has gone consistently downhill for the last 8-9 years to the point that most articles are little more than a joke now. It certainly won't attract many new Pandora admirers with the kind of readership it now...
  11. P

    Pre-orders Confirmed For 30th Sept

    That took awhile for me to understand (work fries my brain), but once i did I lol-ed like I haven't lol-ed in a long time.
  12. P

    Early Adopters Beware!

    Essentially what I was going to say. Still though, I genuinely believe there will certainly be enough early adopters that once we have our hands on it, will be extremely excited regardless of teething issues.
  13. P

    Pandora + Pc + Dosbox

    I must say, i'm with you on the most part. I remember playing CyberDogs with my brother, and him shouting "JONES IS DOWN!" every time i died.. Ah, childhood..
  14. P


    haha, you have a good point there PoisonedV. I don't mean to be selfish, it would be ridiculous to think that the only people who know about the Pandora would be within this forum! I myself visit most of those forums and I'm not a casual gamer, so I apologize, I wasn't accusing the sites of...
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    I must say, I'm with Crono here. It seems that no matter where you go there's a post about the pandora. As much as i'm glad to hear such a buzz about the handheld being developed, a part of me just dreads that the first 3000 are going to be bought by the "casual gamers" and not potential...
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    Can't Hold It Much Longer

    Wow, looks fantastic!! I swear, just a quick browse of the developers forum would get anyone sweaty (or sweatier) for the Pandora's release
  17. P

    Anyone Porting Abuse?

    Senor Quack, you are awesome. A big thank you for the many, many hours you must have put into this so far! I'd certainly love to play Abuse on the pandora :)
  18. P

    New Blog Update!

    QUOTE You are right, it probably will look like nipples if I watch it again. I can just imagine a teenager asking his parents to check out the thing he'd want for Christmas, so the parents check out the forums and the nipple video being the first thing they hear about. Would be brilliant.