Search results

  1. H

    Would Anybody Care For A Msx?

    Infidels! Unbelievers! :blink: *cough* :P Well, it really does depend though. As with most systems from that era the MSX catered to its own market. And despite the large fanbase in Europe and South America, as a system it only took off commercially in Asia. It hardly got a foot on the ground...
  2. H

    Gianas Return - Bad News

    Dude. :blink: I'd almost say "fuck the game, hope CHN is doing all right". So far you all have done great work though, and thanks for letting the world know what's going on (as far as you know). But I do hope CHN is doing all right. And may you hear from him soon. o__o;;
  3. H

    Noiz2sa As A .zip?

    I second that notion. :) 7zip is darn fast and free. It may take a bit getting used to but it sure kicks lots of rear-end. ;)
  4. H


    Curious as to what lib Chui is using for the music. I've already noticed it's supporting XM module files (rather than OGGs as in the original NOIZ2SA). So, what is this lib? Could help a lot of developers on both GP32 and DC (if it's the same :)). Oh, and everybody who digs the music in this...
  5. H

    Gp32 As A Joypad?

    Just tried build 6 on my Win98SE box. Works like a charm! :D So glad somebody finally went ahead and did this. Is very handy indeed whenever I'm at someone else's place and need a second gamepad. :) I am wondering though at what clockspeed this is running. To be able to give an estimate of...
  6. H

    GP32 Mp3 Player Source Code...

    Short answer: no, forget it. Long answer: technically yes, but don't expect a straight conversion. And it takes a lot of patience and craftsmanship. Bluntly put it are entirely different formats. Whilst MP3 is a wave-type file (ala OGG, WAV etc.) MOD files are tracker/sequencer like files (ala...
  7. H

    Rock Music

    I have to say I really like this. Even without solos or vocals. It reminds of a few pieces by Mike Oldfield, same kind of atmosphere. Keep it up! Sounds great.
  8. H

    Best Games For Msx/msx2

    Snatcher is a (mostly untranslated) text-adventure SD Snatcher is a (translated) RPG. :P So you should be able to play that. As for the DSK-related questions, there are some step-by-step guides over at the MSX FAQ.
  9. H

    Best Games For Msx/msx2 The translation was a fan-project from quite a while ago. As for PC emulators, again try looking at, they should have links to all the latest emulators. If you've got quite a hefty machine I can recommend OpenMSX. A bit difficult to set up but...
  10. H

    Best Games For Msx/msx2

    MSX Metal Gear series kicks NES Metal Gear series behind imho. :P
  11. H

    Best Games For Msx/msx2

    Just hit and check some of the polls (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) or the info they've got there. Their links section should also get you started. :)
  12. H

    GP32 Are There Any Developers Without A Gp32 Or...

    Still dev'ing on a normal "classic" GP32. Then again, for a sound app there's little to complain so far. :)
  13. H

    Wonderboi .064 Beta

    Happy Birthday! And why are you giving us gifts? :P (not that we mind though.. ;))
  14. H

    Gp32 Modded To Hell And Back (in One Piece)

    :D Woh! That's some nifty shite there! Good job!
  15. H

    Gp32blu In Europe - Marketing Power

    @nacho's picture: I'm quite curious as to which programs/utils/games are actually on that SMC they're selling. I mean, might any of those be from the homebrew scene? Because if some are, I wonder whether authors were contacted about this. *curious*
  16. H

    Gp32 In Media Markt

    Woh, it really -does- look pure white, with a new logo. :) Hadn't expected such changes, though it makes it easy to spot which consoles are Euro- and which ones are Korean-releases.
  17. H


    X-2004, another demoscene party has arisen from its grave. To be held on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of October in Hengelo, The Netherlands, it shall focus solely upon 8bit systems and related competitions. C64, Atari, MSX, GameBoy (Color) will all feature in graphics-, music and democompetitions...
  18. H

    What Yours?

    XMPlay, because it really tickles the monkeys nuts. :P
  19. H

    S3m Player?

    *shameless plug* Works just fine here. :P Supporting MOD, S3M, XM, IT and few other formats. I'm currently trying to get the latest version of libmikmod integrated, with help from the current maintainer of the lib. Hopefully we can see...
  20. H


    Same with everything, you've got good apples and you've got bad apples. Just don't let the bad apples colour your view upon fruit. ;) Not making any sense, am I? Anyways, *cough* back to the original topic! ^_^