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  1. R

    Tunnels Of Underworld There is no Linux port yet but it works well with Wine, read the FAQ, he says he's a fan of open source so if any dev is really interested he might release the code. It could be a lot of work but I think technically it should be possible. Just...
  2. R

    GP2X Xynth Windowing System

    Well, I reviewed the specs of the GP2X inbuilt MagicEyes System, it DOES support resolutions up to 1024x . Of course the LCD does not, and your standard TV neither, I only mentioned 1024x to make clear that 720*480 on your TV with xynth and office apps should be possible. So again, the GP2X does...
  3. R

    Oldplay V0.95

    *requests OGG support* BTW, i found out most MP3's work well at 100MhZ or even a bit less...
  4. R

    Gp2x Headphone Jack Whatever

    It's pretty usless when travelling if the headphones don't work... I noticed its simply a bit loose... maybe it would work with superglue if you work out the right position of the jack..... I definately wanna get to fic this as soon as possible!!!
  5. R

    Gp2x Headphone Jack Whatever

    Well, how easy would that soldering be? I know about the headphone-detection soldering and many did it with success, but how to solder the headphone jack as a whole onto the board again? Apply solder on all of those 4 circuits???
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    Gp2x Headphone Jack Whatever

    Its not that I want to send it back, I really prefer any other way... I am also not sure about that warranty-stuff. Would GPH rather like to send a new unit than to let the user try to fix (maybe easy fixable) problems himself?
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    Gp2x Headphone Jack Whatever

    OK, assuming I return the unit, what do they do with it anyways? Do they fix it or do they simplysend a replacement and extract the left metal from the broken one? ;D
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    Gp2x Headphone Jack Whatever

    I just took the gp2x with me on holidays (no extreme conditions, didnt let it bump against anything hard or let circuits melt) but now the headphone jack appearantly went crap. I got Sony and Sennheiser headphones but every of them now only gets recognised by the unit if its correctly plugged in...
  9. R

    GP2X Xynth Windowing System

    SOrry for my double post now but I am just trying it out and it looks awesome!!! if the icons on the background get clickable and the windows a bit smaller resized it would be fine ;D (minimizing doesnt work?) but really good work for that short time!!
  10. R

    GP2X Xynth Windowing System

    Very cool to see the original writer himself picked u this thread and ported xynth, niice ;) ! As far as I know the GP2X supports resolution up to 1024x so it should be possible to become xynth working with NTSC or PAL resolution without scaling up so you would actually get enough space for good...
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    Yeti3d Engine Mystery - Reward Offered

    This reminds me of the engine used by : The CrystalSpace 3D Engine: It runs using XWindows with optional(!) OpenGL hardware acceleration. I don't know if it would work at an acceptable speed on the GP2X, but maybe its an idea ;D.
  12. R

    Triple Triad Possible?

    Very nice work Sephnroth ;)... and cool you found someone to draw your sprites ;D. I would like to inform you that I currently got 94 ready-to-go images, where its only a matter of placing numbers and adding background/border/symbol which were previously created by myself. I used lots of...
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    Open Office 2x

    For sure, OOorg is too big, but as said before, a fancy text editor with basic functionality including formatting and spellcheck should be possible.
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    So How Did The Gp2x Do?

    you are soo right :) *cough* AMD64 rocks *cough*
  15. R

    Windows Vista

    If they have really written it from scratch, well... it definately is NOT futuristic enough for that... they had a study for an OS called Singularity which maybe shows more innovation but they don't code it. I don't think it will only be for 64bit processors, but it could be possible, then all...
  16. R

    Gngeo2x 0.6.9 *update*

    Thanks for your appearantly great emu pepone... I will try it out as soon as I don't have to dump metal slug anymore... hopefully you find ways to optimise it (or use the memory, compressing, whatever)
  17. R

    Windows Vista

    Ooh I think these screens look sooo coool! Who cares about specs? ( I DO! My WinXP is already much crappier and slower than my ubuntu even with the win2k theme [i don't even have a virus or trojan ;D !] ) Tooo baad it won't come out before the end of this year ;(((( *cough* kde plasma *cough*...
  18. R

    Triple Triad Possible?

    BUMP BUMP! You heard him, we need someone who can draw nice tilesets, please ;D. Or someone who knows a good free source ;) I have about 60 images ready, still lots to do, when I'm finished I will balance out the values and afterwards create the actual deck completely. I am not here next week...
  19. R

    Triple Triad Possible?

    Are you sure? I'd give it away for free ;P I just made it... Lets you enter the cardname and element and it sums up the directions for each level as well as the overall value, I also calculated the "should-be" value based on my observation for each level and overall. Also includes a Total...
  20. R

    Triple Triad Possible?

    I will make some more images ready (about 5) and then I will likely create a spreadsheet where I enter all values and so on so I get a really balanced deck.... if I really get this done I might send it to you (just tell me if .odt or not ;D)