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  1. R

    Paybackdemo - Issues

    Of course, it is not write protected (as I wouldn't have been able to copy firmwares and similar stuff on it), neither is it full. Payback crashes everytime at this point, so I didn't have the chance to play it yet. I didn't try it on FW2.0 because I didn't hear of any issues with it in...
  2. R

    Paybackdemo - Issues

    Hi guys (and girls, too) ! I got the following problem: I flashed my GP2X to 2.1 and tried to play Payback, but it crashes right after the name selection screen. It says "accessing data...", blanks the screen for a second and then takes me back to the main menu. I already reflashed my system...
  3. R

    Breakout Box / Cradle Coming In Late December

    Just to join the general moaning about the non-wifi-bob: I want one with WiFi as well! In some interview craig really made hopes by saying that they'd design something which fits behind the GP2X and only adds one inch. According to that statement it even would have integrated wifi and a...
  4. R

    Xgp, Xgp Mini And Xgp Kids

    I would say it get's released or finally declared vaporware when Vista is released, and if this is too soon then I am sure we will be able to play Duke Nukem Forever on it ;) !
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    Squidge's Mmu Hack: Discovery Of The Month :)

    and once again, it's a GP2X dev, it's once again Squidge, it's simply AWESOME!
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    Oldplay With Instructions

    As there is no source, it is impossible to play ogg Vorbis files with it, right? This is the only thing which keeps me from using it.. :/
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    GP2X Small Gp2x Games Shop

    The price seems to be OK, altough it could be a little higher if the point stated below is fullfilled, in my opinion. The games come without DRM, wich is an absolutely positive and important point. Like I said before, as long as the games (where it's possible) come with an editor, it's a...
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    War Chaos -new Project-

    I think the idea of making a game commercial is cool as long as the price does not get too high, I think about 10-20€ is great, and well, the less money you charge the more people are likely to buy the game.... Additionally, I believe it is of utmost importance that every game is released with...
  9. R

    Gp2x: It's Big In Spanish, Too (1/5 Stars Post)

    I think the games looks awesome as well, even tough i don't think it's -really- pushing the GP2X to it's borders, anyhow, I wonder why the sound is so asynchronous, or is it just my video playback? ;D
  10. R

    First Global Gp2x Game & App Contest [reminder]

    I didn't see the post nor the news, and the most recent information from GPH was posted today, so I thought it was new ;) .
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    First Global Gp2x Game & App Contest [reminder]

    It looks as if GPH is finally showing some support for the GP2X developers, commercial as well as open source! The contest will be held from late June to the first of October, which is going to be the deadline. There will be no restrictions in type of application or game, as long as it is...
  12. R

    GP2X Office On Gp2x

    I originally wanted to affirm that me to, I am a huge fan of this idea... but anyhow... Ok guys, who is going to rewrite OpenOffice in ARM Assembler? *lol*
  13. R

    Converting Music

    Especially if you convert fresh .WAV music, ogg offers a huge advantage over MP3. You can also convert MP3 to ogg of course, but you should set a lower bitrate than the original one of course :) . I think you get about 25% speed or quality improvement compared to mp3. I got no idea what program...
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    Mplayer Neo

    Don't they have to release it? (please don't kick me for asking this stupid question ;D )
  15. R

    Thinking Of Getting One?

    IMHO if you want a GP2X, get it now, it's already amazing and as you properly noticed it's only getting better. The price probably won't drop soon because it's all about hardware, GPH doesn't get any money out of sold games and even less of all the free emus, games, apps whatever ;D. I, for my...
  16. R

    Gamepark At E3 - Some Pictures

    It seems to me as if XGP is either vaporware or on it's way to follow Tiger Telematics... Maybe it doesn't have a camera included but.. erm.. 3 different versions at launch?? Who is so insane to develop 3 different versions of a console when the GP2X has already eaten up most of the GP32 user base?
  17. R

    Using Game Controllers For 2p Support?

    And then people start buying tiny modified GP2X to power their arcade gaming halls with retro power *lool* !!! Without a doubt, gamepad connectivity for multiplayer madness would be awesome!!
  18. R

    Xorg With Breakout Box

    Thanks and congratulations to anyone who made progress with X ! Because of the higher virtual resolution, as I said before, up to 1024x should be possible in terms of hardware, but I wonder if it wouldn't be even smarter to have - workspaces - where you launch programs in (like one for each...
  19. R

    Xorg With Breakout Box

    I don't think anyone really thought we would get firefox running with decent speed on the gp2x , but some leightweight browsers like k-meleon, dillo or something similar should be possible. Firefox is even on modern computers kind of slow sometimes :D (i use it tough, I admit ;D )
  20. R

    Gp2x Mk2 Or Nintendo Ds Lite?

    OMFG FLAME FLAME FLAME --WHINE-- I spent so much money on my gp2x!!! 185€ + 30€ + 60€ + 15€ + 10€ + 5€ + 15€ = 320€ !! GP2X + charger + SD + TVOUT + TV-EX + AC DS = 130 + something = 140! What can you do with it? Right, nothing! Go buy some games, and pay, and pay, and buy and..... What can I...