Search results

  1. R

    Vektar 0.9

    *lol* ... I think everyone here agrees that you can take as long as you want to release Vektar 1.0 if you are able to make an usable NetHack port! Thanks for this great original game, and maybe the upcoming port too!
  2. R

    New Firmware Due @ End Of Month (ish)

    I hope they are smart enough to integrate the community-made parts like cramfs (if it is stable enough) and the uboot... and hopefully they coded a new menu? Who knows? Craigx?
  3. R

    GP2X X11 Possible On The Gp2x?

    QTopia and Xynth are already ported... busybox is used by the normal gp2x menu. X11 would be possible for sure, but maybe we do not need that much functionality and stich to one of the other options, like the embedded versions of KDE, Gnome and Enlightenment as well as Xynth.
  4. R

    Xynth Windowing System 2nd Take

    I do not know, but if it runs GTK+ and QT, that would be quite a lot, wouldn't it be?
  5. R

    Xynth Windowing System 2nd Take

    As some of you might know, I mentioned the Xynth system eariler: You might also know that it already got ported, even tough it is not very gp2x-optimized. Now, that QTopia got ported, Xynth seems to be forgotten. Whilst I am happy with any windowing environment, I wonder what the...
  6. R

    Just Gaming?

    ...if you have the cash... I think most of these devices are over-priced and only have a narrow application range, a thing where the GP2X has a better position because of it's great community and developers. I agree the GP2X first use is for gaming/media, but I think it will get pretty...
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    Replacement Interface

    I do wonder as well if this project got dicontinued in favor for Qtopia (?). A proper GP2X interface would be a neat thing indeed.
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    GP2X I Hate The Gp2x Music Player!

    I would use OldPlay only if it would support to load a playlist/remember it after exiting the application and have support for OGG, but it doesn't, and it seems as if the developer disappear, which is a sad thing. It's simply useless for me without proper OGG support, since all my CD-rips are...
  9. R

    Games For Dosbox - What Games Do You Want?

    I just remember one of these old games: Rockford ! It might be easier to port GNOME STONES tough ;)
  10. R


    I feel with you ;) , seriously.
  11. R

    Triple Triad Possible?

    requesting update, please ;)
  12. R

    Xgp Xgpmini Spec

    Somehow I got the feeling they use the same processor as the GP2X main one, which would mean you would only be able to overlock as high as the GP2X can get, meaning 280-300MHz, which is not a real performance gain if you compare: (I am not sure about the XGP's graphics processor tough) GP2X...
  13. R

    Games For Dosbox - What Games Do You Want?

    Things I played and would like to see ;) : ---- Raptor - Call of the Shadows ---- Commander Keen 4 The Incredible Machine !!!
  14. R

    Best Computer

    lubidog: The PC I mentioned was a fully-fledged tower for 750€, I bought the stuff from , I am not sure about german sites but it should be even cheaper because of the lower tax. I only know but I got no idea if their pricing is good. Review my topic earlier, the basic...
  15. R

    Best Computer

    But right now its a bad time to get a new pc, geforce 7900 is just arround the corner and amd is just about to switch to m2 and ddr2. Well, this is true, but think of it: The newest M2's will come out in a few month('s) and this will cause a drop in 939 prices... The GeForce 7900 surely is a...
  16. R

    Best Computer

    ... Look, DualCore is only useful for multitasking and applications which can take real advantage out of it already (like video editing as you mentioned)... The 3.8GHZ are the most a Prescott is sold at. P4 Dual: two prescotts at 2.8*2 = 5,6ghz Yes, true, as I said, you can get an Athlon X2...
  17. R

    Best Computer

    Please don't buy cheap Intel P4 Duals ! It is true that AMD's like Thunderbird tended to overheat but it's all different now, the Athlon 64 do generate far less heat than the P4 at the same performance level! About the clockspeed: AMD uses lower clockspeeds but get's the same performance, this...
  18. R

    Xgp Xgpmini Spec

    *Could* it be that GamePark developed their second system together and just split about a year ago? Their specs are quite similar, and I wonder anyhow *why*w they really split, if it *really* was for the open source's sake (which I doubt).
  19. R


    I thought there was some kind of problem about USB? Or is this resolved now that we have got the possibillity to power the USB host?
  20. R


    I just searched and found out that a company called C-guys actually made an SDIO card for the Zaurus including Linux drivers, the GP2X has got quite much sales, maybe they would be interested in making a card for it as well? They made both 801b and g cards.