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  1. R

    Triple Triad Possible?

    I actually think this editor looks pretty cool.... Just take your time... and keep us updated ;) I see you have already got great ideas... keep going :)
  2. R

    Question About Gp2x 2nd Gen

    I don't think there will be a 2nd generation... it will only be hardwareflaw-free.. the specs or design won't really change. Wi-Fi -might- be added sometime if it's possible to find a compatible device and write drivers and software. The battery time WILL improve if hardware-scaling and...
  3. R

    Gp2x Or Psp Help Me Decide Please

    OK, for first (sorry but I have to ask): Are you TOTALLY sure you want to give away anything with a Neo-Geo Brand??? Instead of ripping your bud off ( with the PSPyourself too cause of expensive games in case you ever buy them, and more expensive memcards!!) you should rather sell it on eBay...
  4. R

    Several Ideas, Some Useful And Some Otherwise :p

    Of course you are talking about the current situation and you are right. But I wouldn't be sure that open2X won't be able to implement these functions...
  5. R

    Wesnoth, Anyone?

    OMG THAT IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!! really, really nice!!!! looking forward to a public release :)
  6. R

    GP2X Gph Cvs?

    You are right, Allan... I wanted to edit my post again yesterday but it didn't work right away and I had to get some sleep ;D . I read these News from ED in the german gp2x community... He said they got an important project from an important customer and if they do not finish that project this...
  7. R

    GP2X Gph Cvs?

    Even if the 2nd CPU is not as fast and does only have 4kb Cache (compared to 16kb) it's using up 32MB because it's supposed to have this space dedicated for video replaying (or that's what I know). The modules could also be (un)loaded dynamically so the user doesn't even have to get really...
  8. R

    Gp2x/psp Comparison - My Own Opinion

    As I said in my previous posts I simply think the gp2x will be getting better and better, simply because it is Open Source which the PSP is not... now that I hear even the dreamcast community is booming (the dreamcast is way old ;) ) you can figure how long there will be support for the GP2X...
  9. R

    Triple Triad Possible?

    My point. You could easily play it on low processor but nevertheless I really imagine it being very cool with some neat graphics... something much better than solitaire ;)... And certainly easier to implement than a WOTC (Wizards of the Coeast) Game like Pokémon or even Magic(!) :)... too bad I...
  10. R

    What Would You Recommend...

    Nois2za is a great shooter for example... in case you bought the original ROMs :) you can also enjoy already all SEGA Genesis/MegaDrive games in full quality... some older emulators work as well... (S)NES is getting on the way... NeoGeo and PSX will still improve lots too.. so you can choose...
  11. R

    Mplayer/drmd Issues

    As I said, I am counting on you experienced developers to fix that up as soon as the source gets released... I really have faith in you.... Once again, thanks for this community... BTW... if anyone needs English<->German<->French translations for programs I might be able to help :) ... just PM...
  12. R

    Mplayer/drmd Issues

    Hehe, I play that game and well, yes, at least I THINK that problem occurs sometimes there too... BUT the difference is that the slowdown doesn't seem to be so bad... and anyhow the game has a FUNCTION to slowdown (I think its the Y-Button) so I am somewhat confused :D Let's hope the source...
  13. R

    Mplayer/drmd Issues

    Hmm might be, but my sessions usually don't last much longer, I always save lots, today it happened to me after maybe 15 minutes...
  14. R

    Mplayer/drmd Issues

    I sometimes notice a sudden overall system slowdown when using DrMD (most often after saving, seems to occur random)... I only get like 5 FPS and even if I exit and reconfigure the CPU with the utility it doesn't help, only a restart solves the problem. Could it have sth. to do with my preferred...
  15. R

    About To Start, What Should I Watch Out For?

    Thats ture, the upper 32MB are reserved for the video co-CPU, but for example Squidge already talked about simply putting "video" into a module so it might be possible to get full 64MB for future development soon... I count the days until Dignsys/GPH releases the new 1.3 Firmware and hopefully...
  16. R

    Triple Triad Possible?

    I think as soon as you manage to implement some more-or-less usable "editor" for cards people will build their own decks and get their own images soon, then they could upload it.... (you know how it ends) Looking forward to it! :)
  17. R

    Gp2x - What I Think

    Ok, I am sorry I didn't read through the whole thread cause I need some sleep ;D, BUT : I would never ever think about selling my GP2X now, because: As you can see: ITS BUGGY!!!!!! and as you can see: IT GET'S BETTER EVERYDAY! and you can conclude: IT WON'T STOP GETTING BETTER ;) ! and then...
  18. R

    Triple Triad Possible?

    I barely played FF8 but I think the concept of this card game was quite interesting... together with neat graphics it would surely be cool !
  19. R

    So How Old Are You Guys?

    Me is 16... and I think we should open a fav-console thread!!! but in the meantime I'll continue here: My gaming history: I was 4 years old : 286 (or thats what I guess) DOS/Win3.1 maybe two years later: something somehow faster first Games: Aladdin (hehe), Raptor (still rules!) and Keen4...
  20. R

    ►i Can Go Straight From 1.0.0 To 1.2.1 Right?

    I already stated in another thread, for me with my 1gb ExtrMEmemory card it took me about one minute to upgrade... no problems at all... and the battery went on for some hours afterwards too.... But I guess its most secure if you are cautious ;)