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  1. H

    Pocketsnes 7.2.0 For Wiz, Caanoo And Gp2X

    I love this emu and I hope I am not being a pain but is there any way to get rid of the horizontal tearing? It hasn't been present in the NES and Genesis emulators for years. Just curious because this emu would be flawless if it were fixed. Thanks
  2. H

    Pocketsnes V7.0

    Dude it's right there in the menu. "Swap buttons". Now it's just like the SNES layout. On another note, I have to say I am *very* excited to see there is still work being done on the SNES emulator for the Wiz and I am really thankful to the author(s) for not abandoning it. I bought the Wiz for...
  3. H

    Snes Emu Question

    Please let this HeadOverHeels guy know how much I appreciate the PocketSNES project not being dead and I will gladly donate. And thank you Reesy for making those adjustments. Seriously if I can someday play FF6 with transparencies on, full frames, no vertical tearing, and near-perfect sound...
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    Snes Emu Question

    Cripes! Is anyone? :(
  5. H

    Snes Emu Question

    Please please please tell me you're still considering perfecting PocketSNES on the Wiz :) Please? :)
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    Just Got The Wiz

    Thanks big time for letting me know about the firmware update but you're right, tearing issue still present.
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    Pocketsnes Bounty

    May I ask an incredibly stupid question? If Wiz runs Linux, and there are SNES emulators for Linux, why can't those emulators run on the Wiz?
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    Pocketsnes Bounty

    Well I didn't think I was going to be the determiner of what was flawless. Right now it's near flawless. If it reaches 60fps for most games with no horizontal tearing, I'd say that were flawless (willing to ignore sound glitches). I just don't know any other way. I donated a modded XBox 1 to...
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    Pocketsnes Bounty

    I see people do this a lot over at PPCGeeks, where there's a huge demand for something no one can seem to figure out and people put together a pot of donations if a programmer comes through. I hope this is acceptable here (I can't see why not) but if it isn't, I apologize. I will start off the...
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    Dead Wiz Battery

    There's no place to order more Wiz batteries? Perhaps it's a "standard" rechargeable that's also used in a particular cell phone or something?
  11. H

    Ffvi Emulation Performance In Snes Vs Gba

    To be fair, the sound is very odd in FF3 on PocketSNES. Just go into a battle. The music sounds off-key (very whiney, like a cat crying). First time in an emulator I ever heard something like it. I'd like to start a donation thread to have the SNES emulator updated. No horizontal tearing...
  12. H

    Ffvi Emulation Performance In Snes Vs Gba

    Keep in mind the GBA in general has poorer sound than the SNES. The FF6 port is great but even on a real GBA the sound is not as good as a real SNES.
  13. H

    Pocketsnes 6.5.0 Source?

    I too purchased the Wiz solely for SNES emulation and am pleased with the image quality and (almost) perfect frame rates but would love to see the audio worked on and the horizontal tearing fixed. Should I give up on waiting? I'd donate damn near anything to this project. I mean the Sega...
  14. H

    Just Got The Wiz

    To be fair to the Wiz, the screen tearing issue is software related. The Sega Genesis emulator fixes this (and is probably the greatest emulator of all time, by the way).
  15. H

    Just Got The Wiz

    Nah I know Pandora is a priority, I just worry it won't have such a great screen for SNES. I can picture some minor motion blur or a resolution that doesn't suit SNES very well (making it either look blurry or blocky; like on the PSP).
  16. H

    Just Got The Wiz

    Anyone? Just wondering if I can get my hopes up at some updates to SNES for the Wiz.
  17. H

    Just Got The Wiz

    I will keep my babbling more simplistic. Is PocketSNES for the Wiz still being worked on?
  18. H

    Just Got The Wiz

    I assume he refers to this one. Hope that's useful. Thanks! But the guide is hosted on the now defunct Geocities :( Christo930, believe it or not the slim PSP actually has a worse screen than the original (something to do with scanlines I remember). And I saw a PSPGo at Best Buy and...
  19. H

    Just Got The Wiz

    I am sure the Pandora will be great but is it going to have a screen as nice as the Wiz? LCD or LED is it? I just feel the Wiz is so much more portable...
  20. H

    Just Got The Wiz

    I have a modded PSP but the awful refresh rate on the screen makes SNES unbearable for me. Start off Super Mario World and run right at the beginning. The red from the turtle shell trails almost a damn inch behind him. The Pandora might be cool but as you said we're still talking *almost*...