I'd really like to see some kind of bookmark feature so you don't have to scan all the way to certain parts.
Also possible support for long file names ;)
Is there any way of converting .prg games to .t64? :)
Because I've extracted the games from a .d64 file and they become .prg files
Instead of creating my own .d64 file I would like to convert all the .prg files (if possible) to .t64 files and then i could just list all the games at once in...
I've recently started to download the C64 blast disk collection (would love to tell you where from but I can't :D ) and i've noticed when loading them you just get the numbers not the actually game names.
I have a text file on my gp with the game names on but is there a better way of doing it...
The gp32 does not have any internal clock memory.
For example if you made a clock program and set the time on it, the gp32 would not remember the time when its switched off.
Until recently mine was Willy from the C64 game Jet Set Willy.
But now i've changed it to Rockford from the best version of Boulderdash on the C64 ;)
C64 rules! (can't wait for next version of GPFrodo :D )
I really dont see the point in having an organiser and a calc etc anyway, I mean the gp32 is a GAMES machine if you want all that you should have got a PDA.
Most mobile phones have a basic calender and calc functions anyway!
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