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  1. N

    Grab Your Pitchforks

    Im also using firefox, ive found if u right click where it says "user posted image" and select view image, the image then loads up :)
  2. N

    Best Freeware Game

    id say puzzle mix
  3. N


    thats ure opinon of it, but i gotta say i thinks its a shitty opinion u got ther. c64 was 1st comp i eva had, and it was fuckn gr8. :P
  4. N

    How Can I Set Emu To Ntsc Because Pal Is Slower

    thats what i was thinkn, pal and ntsc refer to the different tv systems used around the world, and gameboy has its own screen so its same whereva u are! :lol:
  5. N

    I'm Angry... It Came But I Couldn't Get It.

    Ok id be annoyed too, but i dont think its all that bad, ok, ure gonna get it tommorow. now what if u wer goin on holiday today and u wanted to take ure gp with u! then ud be angry!
  6. N

    Clock Frequency Tester

    Just tested my Flu, and that works at 256 :D
  7. N

    Quake 3 On The Gamegear

    PC video output into game gear tv tuner input for a guess! :lol:
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    The Very Original Current Listening Thread!!

    The kleptones, a night at the hip hopera
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    Genesis Emulator

    Sonic 1 isn't really playable when you get to the labyrinth levels tho, the gfx seem messed up to me :(.
  10. N

    And The Next Console Name Is

    Err, and thats apart from the name then?
  11. N

    I'm Sad

    I got a digital camera over a month ago and that had what i believe to be a dead pixel and i sent it back and got a replacement. Only since ive read that companies dont have to do this, as 1 or 2 dead pixels isnt consided "enough". So i guess i was pretty lucky.
  12. N

    Ive got a prog on me gp that display gifs great, i got a load of comics in gif n they all work on it. its just called image viewer ver 2.0 sorry aint got a link tho.
  13. N

    The Ultimate Flu -> Blu Thread

    Thanks guys. Next time i got some spare money, i think itl be a Blu gp32_console 4 me :)
  14. N

    Real Media

    I dunno about rm videos, but rm audio, u can get all the bbcs radio progs from the last week from B)
  15. N

    The Ultimate Flu -> Blu Thread

    Ok Ive got a Flu, had it over a year and im happy wi it. Altho i must admit the washed colour sometimes gets to me and ive been thinkn about gettn a Blu n givn me Flu away. Im pretty sure i will get 1, but ther are some Qs that id like to ask about it, and it also may help others. Can u switch...
  16. N

    Firefox And Live Bookmarks

    i recently got latest firefox and thers a live bookmarks feature that seems pretty good. for example u can look at all the latest news headlines in a menu without even goin to the webpage. on firefox site it says to enable it on a site u click on rss in bottom right corner of browser. on...
  17. N

    Formatted Smc... Now What?

    Get a card reader, ther real cheap ;)
  18. N

    The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy "3rd Phase"

    iv downloaded the .rm, is ther a prog that can convert this to mp3 so i can listen on my gp32_console ? :D thanks