Search results

  1. S

    Beavior of del key

    Hello, the del key, shift+backspace, shold behave like a del, i.e. delete characters After the cursor. But despite trying with both shift button and left trigger, it is behaving like backspace, deleting characters Before it, just like the backspace (same key without shift). What can be done...
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    Release JOSM - Java Open Street Map editor

    Hi I have Java.pnd insalled, on the same card, and the oracle java is written in Nand, not the openjdk, as the pndrun file showes, java is found as well.. Nightvision and geogebra and yacas etc are working fine. And yes, I changed username, hostname, pw, etc.  I guess that could be the case...
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    check internal space?

    yes I am looking for rootfs
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    science in pandora - orienting myself

    I notice that the shift and control keys are double, The triggers and the keys. How do I differentiate them?
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    check internal space?

    Hello, how do I check how much of my internal memory is used up?
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    Extending the screen?

    my! why, thats all what I needed. Thank you indeed!
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    Extending the screen?

    Uh, sorry for the Newbiew question, but some application, like task unifier showes a larger window that the screen of pandora. (resizing it loses some components, that is, it is a java.awt window, and resizing is not dynamic, some controls are hidden from the resized drawing of the form.) Is...
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    science in pandora - orienting myself

    and they can also deal with the awesome controls? any specific place I need to read to know about accessing the awesome controls in those languages?
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    Release JOSM - Java Open Street Map editor

    Hello, I am getting this in my pndrun_josm.out obviuosly, josm does not run
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    science in pandora - orienting myself

    Got a pandora 1gHz, overclocked to 1.1, I would like to orient myself in the Pandora world.. I want to do the follwoing in it : I have a laptop where i do modelling of climate systems, using various of systems, from C++ / D / Perl / GNUplot / GDL / Octave / scilab / Lua / Freebasic / Freemat /...
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    For Sale: Open Pandora Classic

    contact me - i am #EXTREMELY INTERESTED.
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    still available?
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    Looking for a Pandora Classic / rebirth / GhZ

    bump! still looking.
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    For sale: OpenPandora (rebirth), 512M, boxed, excellent condition.

    how much is postage to bonn?
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    Looking for a Pandora Classic / rebirth / GhZ

    Hoi! Andriod und Co sind mir NICHT wichtig, ich möchte bischen herumprogrammieren, wenn ich zB im Zug sitze und nicht anders zu tun habe .. Es wäre schön, wenn ich das Gerät noch als einem Organizer (inkl. eine möglichkeit um meine wundervolle erfindungen die ich regelmäßig im Zug mache in...
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    Looking for a Pandora Classic / rebirth / GhZ

    Well, i was being VERY optimisitc. Okey, the official Rebirth price is 279€ and is not more available in dragonbox shop. Anyone making any other offers? for a rebirth my first target is 180€ --> we can discuss
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    For sale: OpenPandora (rebirth), 512M, boxed, excellent condition.

    i would be interested if around €300 including postage
  18. S

    Looking for a Pandora Classic / rebirth / GhZ

    For a student of meteorology, to do quick and dirty programming, take notes, and do similar work ... Budget up to 300€ including shipping in Germany / Bonn for the 1GHz, and <200 for Classic. (lower the better) - wont mind use marks... Waiting to see your offers. Thank you Seany