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  1. B

    Usb -> Power Gp2x

    All I've ever heard was 500mA at 5V. With a highly effecient 5V -> 3.3V step down converter, it should be workable.
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    GP2X Benchmarking Ram Writes

    I believe it's possible to lock-in parts of the cache, so if it turns out you need cache enabled to get acceptable performance, you could lock almost all of the cache to the data you expect will be useful, and leave a tiny bit just to keep the system happy.
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    GP2X Jabber's Log-fire

    hey, don't worry about it. Internet misunderstandings happen to the best of us... it's difficult to sense the tone or emotion of communication when all you have are ASCII and some emoticon hacks :)
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    Rechargeable Energizer 2500mah: Memory Effect?

    Overcharging can damage NiMH batteries more easily than NiCD, but I don't think it's the same thing as memory effect. I guess the recommendations are to fully discharge NiCD at least once a month, and NiMH about 3 months. If you start noticing capacity problems, it's always a good thing to try...
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    GP2X Setting A Standard..

    I think getting a domain just for it might be overkill... it'd be better to have it on the wiki linked from relevant developer articles.
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    GP2X Rtc Module

    Many I2C devices have a few external pins that can be tied to VCC or ground to alter some bits of the address. EEPROM chips are usually like this. Also, I2C is such a simple protocol, you could connect a device using any extra GPIO pins laying around (sometimes you can get away with it even if...
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    GP2X Rtc Module

    If the gp2x has an I2C EEPROM chip, this would be the best way to locate the lines. I'm not sure if it uses one of these or the main flash chip to store the serial number, etc.
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    GP2X Jabber's Log-fire

    I was referring to the subject text that you, yourself wrote! "How not to write a game" I wasn't trying to be insulting, so sorry if it came off as such, but I thought you were being sarcastic (or perhaps some other form of humor) when you described your effort in this way.
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    GP2X Jabber's Log-fire

    Hmm... if you intend to deliberately create a bad game, then I'm mistaken. *smacks his sarcasm detector*
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    GP2X Jabber's Log-fire

    Could someone please hand me a towel? I need to clean the sarcasm off my monitor ;)
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    New Stupid Battery

    I think it would be almost as cool to just have a single battery AA charger that plugs into a USB port...
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    X86 -> Arm Dynamic Recompiler For Dosbox? Maybe.

    I think what we'll end up see happening is dynarec'd dosbox being used for emulation up to about the 386/early 486 level (with a good success rate), and after that, maybe some well targeted static recompilation to get a handful of more power hungry games to work (the hope being that gcc can...
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    Battery Life

    Here's a good thread on candlepowerforums about chargers (it's a flashlight enthusiast site... yeah, for every bizarre corner of geekdom, there's a web forum): There's tons of battery/charger/etc info on that forum, so if you're bored...
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    Battery Life

    If you're in the market for a new charger, I'd recommend getting one that has a numeric capacity readout... it's nice to know how well your batteries are performing as they age, and it lets you pair batteries that have close capacities (you'll get slightly more runtime overall, and it's easier...
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    X86 -> Arm Dynamic Recompiler For Dosbox? Maybe.

    The biggest challenge for dynamic recompilation compared to static is that it's not practical to use gcc as a backend compiler on the gp2x itself - so the emulator has to produce the recompiled code itself. This typically means you won't end up with it outputting well optimized code, but it's...
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    Video/sound Editors For Gp2x

    I could see an audio editor being used to halfassedly mix songs together... overlapping tracks and volume envelopes is all you need for really basic stuff.
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    8086 (ibm Pc) Static Recompiler For Gp2x

    I have a feeling that self modifying code (except loading overlays) will only be used in a few corner cases that you should be able to patch over. With overlays, it might be a little trickier, but should still be manageable if you can dump the contents and figure out how they link together.
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    8086 (ibm Pc) Static Recompiler For Gp2x

    As far as a specific strategy for doing dynamic recompilation... I think typically you start recompiling at what ever instruction you're on, and finish when you reach an unconditional jump, then cache that chunk as what to execute when something jumps to the instruction you were first at. If...
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    Gp2x Vs. Xgp

    Epicenter, make sure you didn't actually solder the left channel to ground as well - that would still give a 0 ohm connection to the left output ;)
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    Battery Life

    There was a batch of sanyo 2500's that had abysmal self-discharge (significant losses even within a couple weeks), but I'm not aware of any problems with the 2700's. If you're storing the batteries somewhere really warm, that could make it worse though.