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    8 Gig Sd Cards Would These Work?

    It can easily support 8GB SD cards, just maybe not SDHC...
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    Video Out To A Monitor?

    I think you can only pick one from the selection of cheap and easy. The chip supports VGA output, but you'd have to solder wires to it (assuming the chip package allows this; I'm not sure which chip is responsible for generating it). Then there's the issue of getting software to support...
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    GP2X Open2x Toolchain On Windows

    Are the contents of the files functionally different?
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    GP2X Anyone Got A Backtrace Working In Code?

    Maybe you need to use a newer version of gcc or something like that?
  5. B Client?

    It's already compiled. Just drop it in, run it from sterm or similar, and you should be set. Of course, you'll want to have USB networking set up to submit completed work units...
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    Just A Thought

    Ignoring the difficulty of good dynamic recompilation to run x86 code (and the lack of an FPU), it would be very difficult to pull off because 32 megs of RAM just wouldn't be enough to run the dynamic recompiler, WINE, X windows (wine needs something to display to) and a program of any...
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    Gp2x And Gps

    I'd be worried that the kernel version used won't support bluetooth or won't have a driver for most chips. I'm not sure if bluetooth ever made it back to 2.4 or not.
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    Ntfs Formatted Hard Drives On The 2x

    You'd probably just need to compile the ntfs filesystem module, provided the kernel version in use has it (it probably does). And yeah, any writes that change filesystem characteristics (size, rename/delete operations, etc) probably won't be possible. You probably could, however, create a...
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    GP2X Devs Please Underclock Your Apps

    Maybe a good guideline is... if your program supports clock speed changing internally, make sure it doesn't suck or limit you more than if you were to just make a script. Something like oldplay with variable frequencies is a Good Thing (tm), but it would never hurt to have an option to shut off...
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    GP2X Devs Please Underclock Your Apps

    Here's my take on it... Developers should make idle calls when they don't need CPU time instead of running a do-nothing loop, and then the kernel should be modified to clock down (or maybe even up to some limit) to whatever rate is most suitable for the amount of CPU time being consumed. Of...
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    GP2X Can Anyone (with Gph's Toolchain 2.95 For Linux) Compile This?

    Some RTC's are low enough power that a basic button cell looking "supercapacitor" from digikey could power them for days.
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    GP2X Can Anyone (with Gph's Toolchain 2.95 For Linux) Compile This?

    capacitor backed might not be a terrible idea for the RTC - it can last a week depending on the chip and capacitor used - much longer than the batteries once you remove them to charge them :) I think dreamcast used this idea.
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    Gp32 Emulator

    I think the idea was kicked around to use virtualization to simulate the gp32 using the MMU and things like that of the 920 - the video framebuffer would have to be translated (the screen is oriented a different way in the gp32), as well as simulating sound and SMC accesses, etc... But it...
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    GP2X Can Anyone (with Gph's Toolchain 2.95 For Linux) Compile This?

    - i2c realtime clock (wire up backup power to the battery contacts, or use a big capacitor & diode) - i2c PWM controller for robotics applications (might be better suited to being external though) - i2c battery charging controller (you'd have to devise a whole system to charge the battery off an...
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    GP2X Curious About It :)

    I can say that you won't be able to record audio unless you hook up a USB audio capture interface, but with that, it should be easy to compile (or have someone compile) a generic usb audio kernel module if it isn't included already. The other problem is finding software to do the recording, but...
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    Where On Your Sd Card Do You Keep Your Music?

    Ya know guys, with the incredible flexability of linux, you could probably do something like... mount -o bind /mnt/sd/audio /mnt/sd in a script, and have it unmount after the audio player finishes (if it exits instead of exec'ing the menu). Someone should try that and see if it works.
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    Extension Cable?

    USB can go at least 10 feet, provided it's in a shielded cable (and properly terminated) - but I'm not sure how far it would go in the style of cable used here. It should be possible to make a frankencable designed to carry all the signals and power, but it might look kinda weird...
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    No More 275mhz Units?

    Well, it's kind of a tradeoff - before, you had no way to guarantee you'd get a unit that could overclock that high if it was important to you, other than buying a used gp2x shown to go that high.
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    Alternate Power Cord

    The amperage is way too low. If you go below 1A (1000mA), it's likely to not work.
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    Nand Memory Question

    NAND: It's split into several areas - bootloader, kernel, root filesystem, user storage (root and user storage are viewable in the df output above). It's not partitioned the same way as hard drives, so running fdisk on it doesn't make sense. You can view the 'partitioning' by catting (I think)...