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  1. R

    Why is it not allowed to post copyrighted stuff?

    there is this thing called fair use and fair dealing. "Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or...
  2. R

    Pandora Should Move To Android

    exclusively move to? maybe not. but having Android as a supported OS can't hurt. as for getting commercial software & games, getting more than 1000 devices out there might help a lot ;) I got to try barzoule's Pandora at @Party2010 and we discussed making games, the market is still much too...
  3. R

    What Happened To

    often many websites are hosted by 1 single server, if one of those sites has malware, the server's IP gets flagged as the source. this could be the case. Edit: or it could be that the site's script was really hacked and malware was installed, altho I doubt it.
  4. R

    Upgraded Pandora Possible?

    are we talking like 400$ just for the board or much more ? there might be a decent sub-market for baseprice+200$ pandoras if its not too expensive to order a few boards with higher-spec cpu & ram chips. with the same chip footprint it shouldn't cause much trouble at the factory, no ? ... its...
  5. R

    Upgraded Pandora Possible? would the cpu support 512MB or even 1GB ? shouldn't be too hard to swap the ram chip on top of the cpu with the right equipment. or even do a few "special edition" boards.
  6. R

    Development Bounties

    the DMCA made removing encryption illegal, if the legal copy of the rom or disk is encrypted (even a ROT-13 retarded encryption), you're not allowed to decrypt it. but you're right for non-encrypted machines, as long as it does not involve patent-protected software technologies.
  7. R

    Development Bounties

    that's the thing. if the money is there to be the motivator, the very real possibility of not getting it becomes a demotivator. if its to be a thank-you thing, might as well just setup a paypal account or account. there's something that does not work with the bounty thing.
  8. R

    Development Bounties

    usually those bounties are already so ridiculously small that its not worth the time spent on it money wise, they're below minimum wages so money's not the motivator. and working on 1 single problem can't be split up between devs because if for example you're going to re-factor an audio driver...
  9. R

    Development Bounties

    I'm available for development, I don't have my Pandora yet tho (I'm somewhere very far down the queue). I have a lot of ARM & Linux/Posix experience (you can google my name) and I wrote a few x86 & ARM OS kernels. I have electronic equipment (oscilloscope, digital analyzers, FPGA boards, etc)...
  10. R

    Development Bounties

    ah yes, because nothing motivates someone to work than having their pay cut down to 33% :blink:
  11. R

    Stuck & Dead Pixels Help!

    wow, you can almost hear the little oled munchers going omnomnomnom
  12. R

    Earthquake In South America

    more precisely, ghosts that were in some army and ran away from some war. why they'd be against a bunch of geeks getting their pandoras is beyond me :D
  13. R

    Can We Have An Explation For This Op?

    yes, its a very minor issue. my Toshiba satellite laptop had broken hinges after 1 year, got it fixed under warranty, then they broke again after another year. and its not from excessive use, that thing was a stay-at-home laptop. not counting it had dead pixels out of the box, got it replaced...
  14. R

    Skip The Queue

    HAHAHAHA Riiiiiiight, like no one's gonna bitch if they made that kind of statement. I can already imagine the: "OMG!!!111!! MOAR DELAYZ!!1!!!!1! I was so right to not order one." posts.
  15. R

    Skip The Queue

    LOL yeah, that's why companies are usually more secretive, a few drama-queen individuals goes into panic and spread doomsday exaggerations. you offer people a chance to get their devices early vs a slight drawback (broken nub) and some troll who's just waiting for an excuse to bitch comes in...
  16. R

    Is it Pocketable Then?

    I think the real purpose is to reinforce the back, having 2 layers of cloth is more durable. because otherwise, I don't get it either :P
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  19. R

    Are There Any Pandora's Left For Sale?

    or volcano, or terrorists, or space aliens... maybe we should get a couple of hobbits to deliver the cases, they're good with volcanos... wait .. scratch that idea, they're good at delivering TO a volcano.