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  1. Captainbubby

    Xgp - First Pictures

    Well, the pants never lie, I feel a slight tingling, I like it!
  2. Captainbubby

    Gpx2 Has Tv-out?

    Why on earth would you have a TV out fuctiion with HDTV at this point? Are there are HD Divx/Xvid files on the internet? Are HD-DVD's even out yet? I think that comment was a few years too early
  3. Captainbubby

    Gpx2 Early Adopters

    The TV-out fuction sold me, I was thinking of the XGP (if it turned out to be open source) but TV-out is a big bonus for me. I'll get it, in fact I'll walk to Play-Asia's headquarters to get one, that's what I did with lik Sang!
  4. Captainbubby

    Where Can I Buy Gp32 From?

    Just in case you didn't know, you do know that two successors to the GP32 are coming out very soon don't you?
  5. Captainbubby

    Frodo C64 Emulator

    Oh man...This is my dream come too I'll give you a one time "make sweet love to Captainbubby" coupon :) ps. The coupon isn't real, sorry! :rolleyes:
  6. Captainbubby

    Gpx2 Has Tv-out?

    It might sound silly to some, but I was thinking of getting the XGP, due in part to the TV out function (well if the XGP did turn out to be dev friendly and open source) but if the GPX2 will have it, then that is fantastic news. Why? Becuase then as well as a cool handheld device we have an...
  7. Captainbubby

    Sony Sues Lik-sang

    Not directly GP32 related, but as many of us got our GP32's from there: Sony is suing Lik-Sang for selling PSP's to the UK before the lauch date. You can read more regarding this at Gamespot
  8. Captainbubby

    What Ever Happened To Fday?

    With the new handhelds coming from Gamepark and Gamepark Holdings, I'd sort of forgotten about F-day. It does seem a shame that all his work might not be as appreciated as it should be as the GPX2 won't be backwards compatable.
  9. Captainbubby

    What's More Attractive To You? Gpx2 Or Xgp?

    I'm excited about that prospect as well, but it seems that based on the specs we have, the XGP's emphasis on 3d means it will be less of an "emulation" machine which is what most people have a problem with.
  10. Captainbubby

    What's More Attractive To You? Gpx2 Or Xgp?

    I have to admit, some of the XGP specs have got me excited, I love the idea of TV out, it makes it as much of a console as it is a handheld gaming system. The larger widescreen also definantly appeals to me as well though there's so much that's unknown at this point. Will enough people support...
  11. Captainbubby

    Gpx2 Out Oct

    What was that about a successor!? Does anyone know about that?
  12. Captainbubby

    Why Would You Choose The Gp32ii Over The Psp?

    Well I did know I was kind of clutching at straws with the N64, although it's unlikely, I'd love to see a PSX one, or Saturn, which I think will be slightly easier to emulate than the PSX. In truth, what I hope the most is for some games, commericial, homebrew or otherwise, to make good use of...
  13. Captainbubby

    Why Would You Choose The Gp32ii Over The Psp?

    I'm definantly edging towards GP32II after reading this, thanks guys! I think I'll wait and see how these SDK PSP updates go in the future. I think one factor is that when the GP32 first came out, it was at the top of it's class, Nintendo were still using their ever so crappy gameboy colours...
  14. Captainbubby

    Why Would You Choose The Gp32ii Over The Psp?

    The other post on the forum XGP vs GPX has sort of become a bit confusing and whatnot. The real thing I'd like to see is people's opinions on whether the PSP emulation scene really is taking off like some claim it is, what appeal would there be in a GP32II over a PSP which also has a load of...
  15. Captainbubby

    Windows 64 Usb Driver!

    Oh man! I love you! You've earned Captainbubby's patented arrrrrrrrr of approval! Bless you!!
  16. Captainbubby

    Windows 64 Usb Driver!

    It's the USB gp32 driver itself, is GP drive a driver or just a transfer program like GP manager? Thanks in advance! :)
  17. Captainbubby

    Windows 64 Usb Driver!

    Hi all, I know that the GP32 userbase is not that of the DS or PSP, so I highly doubt Gamepark is going to come out with a x64 driver for the USB. I already upgraded to X64 and now my darn USB thing doesn't work? Any way to sidestep this (will it be recognised as a generic device etc) Thanks!
  18. Captainbubby

    Gamepark Named Newgp32 Xgp ?

    Forgive me, but what is a "ninja"? Do you mean Nintendo are threatened by Gamepark and have sent some Ninja's in to take care of gamepark? :lol: Edit: Ahh I see, I think I just spared myself a flaming
  19. Captainbubby

    Possible Evidence Of Gp64?

    from GBAx GP32-2? Now, the biggest question... are Gamepark going to follow up the GP32 with a sequel? Or at least upgrade the current model slightly? While we can't say anything yet we might have some news on this subject in the next newsletter (oohhhh :) ).
  20. Captainbubby

    Experimental Blu+ Support For Osnes9xgp

    Although I don't own a BLU + I'm excited to see some sort of progress on SNES emulation! Great job!