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  1. S

    Pandora Fan Gear

    Errrmmm...indeed. Vectorized images are scalable to however big you want 'em. So you could get an image of 2000+ pixels with this if you so desired. Speaking of shirts though, I really want one of ED's polos. When are we gonna get these in the GBAX store?!
  2. S

    Bob''s Game

    Ah hah, what a tool. I was excited for this game before this. I mean, i feel bad for the guy - he spent five years on a game and now he won't be able to distribute it the way he wanted to. But he had to realize he's dealing with a multinational company (the fifth most profitable in Japan!)...
  3. S

    Best Travel Keyboard?

    It is an interesting concept, but I gotta say if I'm going to teach myself another keyboarding method I'll be starting with Dvorak ;)
  4. S

    Best Travel Keyboard?

    Hmm... a small keyboard would be okay, problem is I plan to code on it so I really need braces, brackets etc in the same place.
  5. S

    Best Travel Keyboard?

    Agreed. The MonoMobile keyboard looks kinda interesting (kinda like the Stowaway), but isn't there a decently-priced fold-up keyboard that's currently in production somewhere?
  6. S

    Best Travel Keyboard?

    Alright, I'm adding some auxiliary Pandora items to my Christmas list and I'm looking for opinions! I'm buying a USB hub anyway (it'd be silly not to with our USB-2.0-only port), so I was thinkin' along the lines of USB. Bluetooth is okay, but I don't want a $120 keyboard here. Any ideas when...
  7. S

    No Pandora By Christmas

    If Pandoras actually started shipping November 30, I would have wagered even then that 75% of the devices wouldn't have arrived by Christmas. It's just a bit more obvious now. Kudos to BenT though. Some of your posts in an earlier thread were a bit more overbearing than I would have supported...
  8. S

    Credit Card Orders

    Just thought I'd mention, woo, refunded. Took 13 days, which is about as long as I've seen, so I'd suggest people give their's at least that much time. Bring on the reorder page :D
  9. S

    Canceling Cc Orders

    I find it disturbing how some of the dissatisfied few are willing to take measures that may damage the entire project just so they can see their money faster. I mean, I truly feel for them; money issues are a pain in the ass. At the same time, the Pandora team have invested their entire lives...
  10. S

    Things That You Want To See Running...

    Regarding YouTube, gnash already handles video from most video sites almost perfectly. So that may be able to work out of the box, or with somewhat of a tweak.
  11. S

    Full Refund?

    I was asking what you gained by instigating things on the forum. You got what you wanted, and you're obviously not part of the community, so you can stop making noise now.
  12. S

    Full Refund?

    You're an ass. What do you gain out of this? Get a chargeback yourself and let other people make their own decisions. Many of us are still very much looking forward to our Pandoras. Very, very few have developed such a feeling of betrayal as you seem to possess. It's almost as if you're...
  13. S

    All Refunds Not Sent Yet

    Exactly how many updates do you want? We already know the bank is handling the refunds while Craig & co are attempting to email accordingly. It's out of their hands. We got a giant update from Craig four days ago. We got an "all clear" on refunds (which was unfortunately short, for whatever...
  14. S

    All Refunds Not Sent Yet

    Reasonable enough. I am interested in what's got you so riled up though. Worst case scenario you don't reorder and you lose ~$30-50 due to exchange rate fluctuations. Sucks hard, but that money goes to nobody.
  15. S

    Pandora 3d Chip Questions When Working?

    True that. Someone on these forums has an epic signature comparing what we did with C64's back in the day to what we do with Core2 Duos now. Sad state of affairs. Come out, dude with an epic signature! You are needed!
  16. S

    All Refunds Not Sent Yet

    Regarding Chairman's latest post: If this was a scam, they would have taken the money and run with it already. Craig's been running GBAX a long time, we've seen dev boards, we've heard from devs who've received said boards (and now we have benchmarks that are in line or more impressive than...
  17. S

    All Refunds Not Sent Yet

    Interesting to note, it's also PayPal's policy to refund at current exchange rates 24 hours after purchases (instead of the original exchange rate), for the same reason everyone's been touting: if they refunded at the original exchange rate, they'd frequently lose money. IANAL, but this appears...
  18. S

    Pax 2009

    Attack it all you want. I got rickrolled by Jonathan Coulton twice, and I liked it.
  19. S

    All Refunds Not Sent Yet

    Class actions? Seriously, who would you sue? They refunded you the same amount they received; you ordered from a company located in the UK. They did nothing wrong (in refunding you 30 euros short - offering a precautionary statement would have been smarter). If they refunded you the full 381...