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  1. D

    What Is Gp32 Palette?

    The default palette is not crap. If you know anything about programming, you will realise that the GP32 default palette is actually a color look up table. It's layed out that way so that 24bit/16bit colors can be convereted into a palette index on the fly. The thing is, the palette is able to...
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    Sensible Soccer

    I found the megadrive version to be better than the SNES version, because you could create custom teams and edit things.
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    Thanks To The Gbax Crew

    Some of the GBA stuff has blown me away completely. The luland demo is damn impressive.
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    Thanks To The Gbax Crew

    I hope the Zodiac Gamers enjoy bowling... *giggles*, sorry I had to. :D
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    GP32 An Idea I Came Up With Today

    would be alright for chess or something :)
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    GP32 Driving Game Update!

    I very much doubt it without major modification. I will be releasing the source code, so perhaps. I just don't like those games, so I won't be coding it :)
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    Smc Storage

    over time the gold plates get scratched anyway, from the contacts inside the gp32. I really don't think it would do any harm even if two smcs' gold plates touched. They require power to do anything, so there would be no movement of electricity at all. I wonder how immune they are to static...
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    Arm Simulator/emulator

    I only know the armulator as part of the Arm ADS suite.. It's not free though, but there is a trial version.
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    Replacement Outer Cases?

    Replacing the buttons would be the easiest thing, and they would be dead cheap to make. So if all goes to plan, every plastic part should be replaceable. Surprizingly, the battery cover will probably prove to be the most difficult part though. We will just have to see, it'll probably take me...
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    GP32 Driving Game Update!

    Not at all, that is just one repeated tile. Once I have fully implemented my structures, so it draws my tiles it could feature any number of tiles, up to the limits of memory. I don't know enough about streaming to make it load and free tiles, but If i manage that, levels would be limited to...
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    GP32 Driving Game Update!

    Well I took a little break from the Mode7 stuff in order to play around with something else I had ideas about. Eventually, it will be implemented into the same engine and will be an alternate way of displaying the ground. So far, the same tile set can be drawn in 2D(Top Down), Mode7, and soon...
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    Must Have Programs!

    I add Textpad to the list. It's a text editor that can do pretty much anything. It's the best I've tried.
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    Is It About Time We Paid Home Brew Developers?

    solarice, you hit the nail on the head. The best way people can help the scene is to contribute something to the scene in any way they can. I'm a firm believer that if a coder feels they deserve to be paid, they have every right to charge for their work. I should not be made to feel guilty...
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    Would You Be Interested?

    Yeah, basically that is the idea, but i would be making a nice case for it that would match the design of the GP32. And would possibly feature a beltclip if people wanted.
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    Would You Be Interested?

    Which batteries did you use in yours? I found some 11,000mah cells. They would literally power the GP32 for a couple of days and then some. It would be a great emergency reserve, and I thought I could make them so everyone else doesn't have to. There are cheaper alternatives for the...
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    GP32 Animating A Slowly Counting Score

    Are you sure you are updating your framebuffer between each increment? You could be just doing all that offscreen and then you won't see any of that change. Unitl it's finished.
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    Would You Be Interested?

    They would be less than 30GBP but wouldn't feature their own charger circuit. It would be up to the user to find a charger for them. Unless I can find a charger circuit I like the look ok. It would be bigger though and cost more if it featured this. (a regular battery charger can be used) I...
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    Would You Be Interested?

    It wouldn't be adaptable to fit the battery compartment, but it would about 80x80x40 mm in size.
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    Would You Be Interested?

    Would anyone be interested in an external battery pack if it could deliver huge capacities. It would fit in your pocket or clip onto your belt/pants. The kind of power I am talking about is the ability to outlast Duracell Alkaline batteries by 14 times! And to Outlast even the best Rechargeable...
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    Top Lynx Games

    Was it just me or was Batman Returns the hardest game ever!