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  1. D

    Well, That Was A Disappointment.

    What use will the hardware have if you cannot get access to their Gaming service? It implies this is how the games are put on there. Edit: I agree that the thing looks very slick. Much better than the previous design, which I even quite liked :)
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    Well, That Was A Disappointment.

    Whether it is fake or not is not important. That is not what my post is about.
  3. D

    Well, That Was A Disappointment.

    Well they were right on time with their relaunch. Not quite the impact they were hyping, but it does look like they are getting somewhere. They've redesigned the console and I have to say it looks pretty nice. My problem with the whole thing is the TiVo attitude...
  4. D

    Are Gamepark At E3?

    Nope, neither Gamepark nor Virginplay will be there, but Gizmondo, Tapwave and even Infinium Labs will. I can't wait to see if Infinium labs actually have something to show.. apparently their site is relaunching tomorrow with stuff that is going to turn cynics into converts. :D **taps madly on...
  5. D

    Killed My Gp32!

    It may shrink a little, but it won't go away.. it's broken, you have ruptured the crystal layer of your LCD. You are seeing blackness because the crystals have changed their pattern and are no longer polarising the light as they are meant to.
  6. D

    Squidgesdk For Ads

    Not the worst news. As long as it ends up being faster and more reliable than the official libs, I have no preferences either way. :)
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    Squidgesdk For Ads

    It's excellent that you are working on this, but I can't really use it and comment on it yet, as I'm kinda in the middle of something. I'll probably use this in my next project.
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    Gp32 Blu Box

    And when folded, the back of the box would be upside down.
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    Turboexpress Prices Might Start Dropping On Ebay

    Since when were these systems rare? You do realise that you can still buy them brand new.
  10. D

    GP32 Outrun/hang-on Race Track Graphic Effect?

    The actual road is a raster effect (manipulation of an existing image in memory), but the impression of it rolling towards you is acheived with palette manipulation.
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    GP32 Gp32 Tutorial 02 "doube Buffering"

    Ahh yes I see.. so you could do it that way, or you could do it framebuffer2 = (unsigned short*) (framebuffer1 + (WIDTH*HEIGHT);
  12. D

    GP32 Gp32 Tutorial 02 "doube Buffering"

    640 is the width of the frambuffer you just took that code out from. X+640*Y would give you the index to the correct pixel for X & Y. For a 320*240 display, you would want to change that to say X+320*Y though even that is incorrect for the GP32 as the screen is actually mounted sideways with...
  13. D

    GP32 Gp32 Tutorial 02 "doube Buffering"

    Since the first framebuffer pointer is already defined as a unsigned short, when you offset the pointer, i believe it moves at the size of 1 short per offset. That is to say that I don't believe it is moving 1 byte at a time. Try it without the *2 and see if I'm right. It could work...
  14. D

    Is It Normal For The Gp32 To Have Diagonal Lines

    Could you take a photo so we can all see what you are talking about?
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    Rlyeh's Sega Genesis/megadrive W.i.p.

    You are confused. It works under any major operating system. The device's OS is embedded linux.
  16. D

    Gp Blu?

    Nah, that's incorrect. Both the Afterburner and SP are frontlit. Backlighting isn't something you can directly compare using other products anyway, as there are a number of different methods, each with their own pros and cons. The most common ways at this time are... Modern Laptops and TFT...
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    If you use a card writer, or GPdrive, filenames can be longer, but I don't think the official SDK will deal with them that well. Perhaps mr.mirko's SDK deals with them. I know at least one person has programmed support for them. I bet squidge would know the answer.
  18. D

    GP32 Mr.mirkos Sdk Replacement

    Yeah, I tried to use ADS and it kept throwing wobblies about having no prototypes.. If you manage to get it all ported across, I will definatly use it.
  19. D

    Gp32 In Media Markt

    I'll correct that for you. They all seem to mention the homebrew scene, which I think is The Onlydraw. :)
  20. D

    Gp32 In Media Markt

    I really like that pure white version.. Though, pure black would look better I think.