Not the case Akuma, I know how to manually edit the bootloader and when pointed towards my Windows partition, it would try to boot, but restart instead. There was nothing I could do to make windows boot.
Mandrake's installer does have partitioning tools built in, but beware, they didn't go too smoothly for me. Their "non-destructive" resizing of my NTFS partition left windows unable to boot any more. Luckily the data was fine, but it was a little bit annoying having to reinstall it when I...
you said you want the option to completely discharge and recharge, but this isn't recommended for NiMh batteries.. It's actually bad for them and will shorten the life of your battery.
I totally recommend the Rayovac I-C3 15min charger.
It comes...
I much prefer the PSP, though I will be getting both. The DS will hold me over until I can get my hands on the PSP.
The reason I much prefer what the PSP has to offer is becauese I am not really a big fan of retro games and graphics. I have all those old machines so I don't need another...
Yoyofr started developing for the Zodiac because he won a Zodiac. That is different. I beleieve he knew what the prizes were when he entered his submission.
It's not even remotely accurate anyway.. last year it was capped off at a certain number.. It was impossible to be 50 and have an iq over 130 or something. very dumb indeed.
yes mattmagoo, yours would be a good example. I've noticed the page loading grind to a halt because of your sig. It's a quarter of a meg.
Though I think the actual complaint here is about dimensions of the sig itself. Big sigs mean you have to scroll through a bunch of shit just to get to...
Nah, so far they haven't got any new coders on board that way. A coder will program for the Zodiac if they like it, not because the comminity bribes them to join.
Yes, the update is that a mistake was made with my original order, but I have reordered and the plastic should be arriving very shortly. I will make an update post when/if I have any success.
If you don't worship satan then you aren't a satanist.
Perhaps you can consider a new term such as "new-age hippies".
The majority of the American population being doped up to their eyeballs on prescription medications and their inability to understand why you don't want to do the same. Complain about a minor headache and you get a queue of people trying to force feed you wonder pills, when the fucking thing...
I'm sorry but Blender isn't even remotely comparable to 3DS Max. The closest Linux alternative is Maya, but I am trained in Max and just don't have enough time to take out of my freelance duties to learn another application. Plus all of my maxscripts and plugins that I wrote would no longer...
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