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  1. S

    Writting Directly To Fb

    library and some tuts will be great. thanks i found some info about this asm on gp2xdev thread but seems to be dead :(
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    Writting Directly To Fb

    i want make some 3d stuff. but in python and fenix this impossible. long time ago i write some apps for amigaPPC and warp3d but in my friends language PowerD. now is time to learn something new.
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    Writting Directly To Fb

    ok, now i see that will be better use asm routines inline with C. many examples, many developers etc :) i read thread about "making 64k demo " its great. but i have one question. i read wiki about setting develop environment on linux but there many toolchains. what toolchain you preffer ...
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    Valhalla Port

    first, im distributing byte code coz its multiplatform. script running very well on win ,lin and others. using py2exe is only for win [ i havent win ] and compiled ".exe" and other stuff created with py2exe is too big coz of _python.DLL, PIL.DLL and others be created. ad py2exe. if i want...
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    Writting Directly To Fb

    im trying the best way for me. spokoban written in python and pygame valhalla port is in fenix and now im trying asm. c & c++ is not my favorite, i dunno why.
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    Writting Directly To Fb

    hi, coz i able to write on stdout with no problem in asm. today i make next step. writing to FB. but with no luck, Segmentation Fault is my second name :) please check my code and help me with this. CODE format ELF executable use32 entry start segment readable executable start: ; open...
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    of course i have cradle :) everything helps me. thanks
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    Cradle Problem

    hi, today when i want test my app with mouse. i plugged my gp2x to cradle and i hear strange sound :( its high frequency sound. when i plug audio cable and connect to audio set this sound play too. testing with: cradle no power, gp2x battery. cradle no power, gp2x ac powered. cradle ac...
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    coz my english is not good i need some tuts for this. i programmed in asm deep in ZX Spectrum era :) i found your thread about fasmarm but i have same result. only blank screen then return to menu. i found one example for gp2x but didnt work :( can you post me little example such as "hello...
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    Crazy Jack Port Test

    great port ,im in 3 level. Its good Lode Runner clone.thanks
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    hi, any developer use this asm ? little help needed.
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    Valhalla Port

    You not need cramfs file. Its created for smallest size,fastest loading and reduces usage of SD cards. Archive contains >400 files this is reason why i use cramfs. if you get error [ i dunno why ] just comment line in convert script and you get unpacked directory with single files in it
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    Valhalla Port

    Senor Quack: This is a little bit improved engine for my WIP game IMMORTAL. Is written from scratch. In next release i change converting script and in game messages for loading, saving etc. convert script is not perfect i know. peelie: in console cd "path where you extracted port" python -OO...
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    Valhalla Port

    just old game on new engine.
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    Valhalla Port

    Hi, i uploaded my port Valhalla saga to my website. Valhalla is Episodic Full Speech Adventure game. You can download this port right here Spookys website Its first version. May be there is some bugs then save a lot and report bugs. Thanks
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    May I Upload Or Not ?

    ok, making converting script.
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    May I Upload Or Not ?

    this game is what i talking about first episode is free for download, when i install it under wine and check directory i cannot find any licence :(
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    May I Upload Or Not ?

    hi, i make my own game called IMMORTAL. Coz i dont have graphics for this game yet, i little improved my own engine and ported game named Valhalla & Lord of Infinity to run on. My prob is that i use improved files from this game. This first episode of whole Valhalla saga is free for download...
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    Gp2xpectrum 1.5b1

    R - Tape loading error :) thanks for this new version. loading Manic Miner.
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    Ultimate Fenix V0.1 Available

    hi, today my script crashes too. but i found this err. Program is compiled without error but after run crashes without any message. i just only changed variable types. in my struct i have INT but i loading only BYTE :( after changing variable in struct to BYTE all is ok and program running.