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  1. S

    Controls With Pygame

    and if you want check press and release try this. CODE class gp2x_controller: """ trida na zpracovani eventu v ovladani gp2x """ def __init__(self): num_joy = pygame.joystick.get_count() if num_joy > 0: = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)...
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    Controls With Pygame

    i have no time check your source but look at my controller what im using in old spokoban. CODE import pygame from pygame.locals import * ACTION_WAIT = 19 ACTION_FIRE = 18 ACTION_VOLDOWN = 17 ACTION_VOLUP = 16 ACTION_Y = 15 ACTION_X = 14 ACTION_B = 13 ACTION_A = 12 ACTION_R = 11 ACTION_L = 10...
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    Fenixide Linux Version

    thanks, yes if you have long source file it takes long tome to load. but this is PyGTKCodeBuffer feature. If i use gtksourceview module loading time is short but i cannot compile this module for Win :/ I slowly working on another release coz i found some bugs on Windoze. Please dont use PATHs...
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    Fenixide Linux Version

    hi, new version is on my site. like i say now in byte code. it have 60kb gzipped instead of ~3mb packed exe. i think that solve problem with libglib assertion message too. tested on ubuntu 7.10 (todays upgrade) and windoze XP SP2 under VirtualBox. Btw: sorry for my icons :) especially for...
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    Fenixide Linux Version

    i compiled this on ubuntu HH. "import gobject" in python console says me that gobject module is imported ok. if its fail and you get same error like before something is wrong.
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    Fenixide Linux Version

    hi, everything that you need goes with package in this release. program is compiled under Ubuntu and tested on ubuntu and Archlinux.Works well. But i take a look at this problem. may be this is distro specific. What distro you use ? btw: next release will be in python byte code coz i have some...
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    Fenixide Linux Version

    Hi all, I released first public version of my FenixIDE. Now for linux only. Please test and report bugs( theres still a lot of bugs) In this version: 1. Syntax highlight 2. Compiling and running fenix apps from editor 3. Editable API browser 4. API completion im lazy and i must write some docs...
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    Uae4allgp2x 0.8.0 Beta By Noldor

    1. A500 1mb ram 2. A1200 + 28mhz/4mb memory card 3. A1200 + overclocked BlizzardPPC/603e/210mhz + 040/40 mhz + 256mb + BVision thats all :) PS: and uae4allgp2x running nicky boum
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    I Dont Trust.

    may be its linux kernel booting :) im waiting for minimig. great my old A500 times :)
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    I Dont Trust.

    sorry may be this off topic, but look at this video
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    Gp2xpectrum 1.5

    thanks a lot, good work again. but will be possible "in future" emulate some russian clones? i mean MC-64, pentagon etc.
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    Dm2:skullkeep Via Uae?

    under UAE dont know, but i playing some amiga games in megacd variant using picodrive. flink, megaturican (turrican3) etc coz i dont overclock up to 240. try megacd DM2 version. i think its be fastest.
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    Picodrive And Gpfce Updated

    thanks a lot. Picodrive is the best emu ever for me,but i have plenty of roms installed and "delete rom" option will be very useful in next release. thanks.
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    Picodrive Emulator

    im using PSX pad with usb converter.
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    Fenix On Linux

    you must download source from fenix wiki (0.92a) and compile yourself. Or send me PM and i send you compiled one. just say if you want Debug version or not.
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    New Idea For Great Mod

    hi, i found this low cost gyro<br> Click here will anyone hack EXT port and write driver for this device. i see many games using this feature xD
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    this game is abandonware. download is for free on abandonia ,but its not CD version. i havent time to try this if working :(
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    Running App.gpe From Telnet

    eh sry, this work fine. CODE set_color_depth(16); if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, scrx, scry, 0, 0)) { set_color_depth(8); if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, scrx, scry, 0, 0)) { allegro_message("Video Error: %s.\n", allegro_error); return 1...
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    Running App.gpe From Telnet

    i playing with allegro, but i cannot set screen resolution properly. CODE set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN, 320, 240, 320, 240); gives me gui screen with graphics mode settings.coz i havent buttons used yet i cannot select proper resolution :( in options i see GP2X too. thanks
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    My Usb Connection Isn't Working

    if another cable dont work, dont forget install right g_ether.o module into gp2x. eh sry this is for telneting