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  1. F

    Drmd Version 2.0

    I just wish that the two communities could get along a bit better. I could be great for both scenes if we could find a common ground. Take DrMD for example it still has many bugs in the cyclone core. If it was opened up to more developers the would be a possibility of the bugs getting ironed out...
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    Drmd Version 2.0

    Just wondering Reesy? Have you done much work on improving fdave's 68k core. As 68k is used in alot of arcade units and it might improve mame some!
  3. F

    Drmd Version 2.0

    Reesy if you want to distribute you source and protect you rights you may want to look in to GPL (General Public License). It protects you and your software from miss use basicaly making the software free with strings attached. Or you could distribute it to closed to trusetd coders Skeeitx has...
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    Drmd Version 2.0

    If you want to act like childish GBA fan boys, thats your problem, forgot why i stoped posting on this board (thou i knew the response i would get), thanks for reminding me why. I've had a gp32 since almost day one. I also own a Z. I use them both just my batteries last longer on my Z. A lot of...
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    Drmd Version 2.0

    Good work reesy, Plays unbelivable. But hows about sharing your wealth at some point and letting someone on the Zodiac scene loose on your source code i have both a Z and GP32 DrMD eats away at my battries too quick. I would love someone to port it over. + the z runs at 200mhz given DrMDs...
  6. F


    Tiger Telimatiics & Tiger Electronics (Hasbro) ( are not the same companies Tiger Telimatiics make GPRS equipment, tiger electronics which is owned by Hasbro. Make games one of Which was the, I've got one somewhere. <_< Bottom line there two completley differiant companies :lol:
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    Should I Go Flu Or Non?

    FLU. You will see why when you getb one! and turn the light off. :)
  8. F


    I recently posted this topic over at, Zodiac gamer, Take a look at it and give some opinions. As far as i can tell the Gametrac is going to be the best bet for portable emulation in the near future more powerful than all its rivals it's media, MMC/SD makes home brew's and ports a serious...
  9. F

    OpenSnes9XGP 0.3 WIP

    The EMU is great but I guess Code Optimisation, to get as may games running at close to full speed as possible at 133 to 156 clock speed. I can over clock mine to 166 but it eats up the battries faster than pacman!! I guess fix as many GFX glitches as possible
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    yoyofr's Secret project

    Don't forget Yoyo's PC version of littlejohn was a SNES Emu as well as a NES Emu may be he's expanded the GP32 version to include SNES, One things for sure this certianly has breathed life back in to the scene. It will be all eyes on Yoyo unitll the release!!
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    Nintendos Ique

    I know it’s a bit of an off topic but, Nintendo have just released a new gaming system in china Called Ique. A new concept of gaming its simply a controller that you plug flash cards into, With games downloaded from various locations. It uses the old school but well loved Nintendo64 technology...
  12. F

    English ASR petition

    I've just orederd my FLU form Ling Sang Petition Signed (nuff sed....)
  13. F

    Lillte John

    I was playing "Little Jhon New Generation" on my PC yesterday (YoYo your gp32 port's much better :) ) I was wondering if it was a direct port, If so are you planning on Implimenting (or trying to) little Johns (PC) SNES support? P.S. Thanx for all your hard work on the GP32 front (lj32 rules)
  14. F


    Consolelou, I've seen that footage not the best I know, ~I've played the pocket pc version the games is very playable but the GFX ai'nt to hot. As for T.H.4, I reserve judgment because no one is sure about those pics just yet. Some show a tasty 3d renderd version, others a 2d isometric...
  15. F

    Snatcher Translation

    I have it on the SegaCD and PSX & MSX (all original) but i can't play PSX or SegaCD on my GP32 hence why i posted it on the GP32 forum. durr :P But i agree a translation of Policenauts would be great... :) Also try Metal Gear - Solid snake (full translation avalable) It's one of the best MSX...
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    Best console games?

  17. F

    Best console games?

  18. F

    Snatcher Translation

    I just want to post this topic to wip up some support to a translation thats very special to me. Its not fully translated into English yet, but has seen a full Portuguese version. For those of you who have never played Snatcher i sugest that you giveit a try, Its a cult Classic, has a great...
  19. F


    If you want a zodiac there is someone selling them on ebay, to be shiped directly after it's release. For infomation goto, LINK Theres a topic in the forum, with a link to ebay!!! But also remember a GP32 is for life not just for Christmas!!!!!
  20. F

    LJGP32 v0.4

    Don't know why this hasn't been mentioned yet!!! LJGP32 v0.4 A new version of the NES emulator LJGP32 has been released. Changes are: New "delete rom" option in file browser. Fixed some bugs with mappers (3, 68, ...) Fixed some bugs with savestate (tmht, ...) Fixed option description in GUI.