Search results

  1. W

    =the Official Wanted Section=

    Anyone selling cheap-ass psp games, for around a tenner, I'm your man.
  2. W


    Hmm, Looks interesting.There is a copy I can buy, but is japanese, any option to select language?
  3. W

    The Best Feeling In The World

    Same, but read Spongebob Squarepants where DD is. Yes, I am incredibly sad.
  4. W

    Oblivion Minimum Reasonable Gfx Card Spec?

    The Oblivion FAQ has info on the minimum requirements for graphics cards.
  5. W


    That ius your most un-typo'd post to date.
  6. W

    What Would Be The Biggest Game Of E3 2006?

    Jazz Jackrabbit 3.
  7. W


    Sigged. I'd use phillips cd-r. I use those and they are good, and stuff.
  8. W

    Wtb Or Trade For: Gp2x, And Geist, Gta, Gba, And Fear For Sale

    Don't wish to thread-jack, but is homebrew on psp good? I mean, is it worth me downgrading from 2.6? Also, do I need GTA to downgrade?
  9. W

    The Best Feeling In The World

    ...and realising you have a bit of clearing up to do...
  10. W

    The Best Feeling In The World

    This is bullshit. Put whatever you like.
  11. W

    The Best Feeling In The World

    I know the banker. True story.
  12. W

    Couple Of Interesting New Handhelds Found

    Reminds me of that PSP licking woman.
  13. W

    =the Official Wanted Section=

    Returned PM.
  14. W

    Couple Of Interesting New Handhelds Found

    Someone here owns the second one, is his name darkman or something?
  15. W

    =the Official Wanted Section=

    I would like WipEout Pure, so if anyone has that, name your price, or i can do a trade with Mercury or work something out.
  16. W

    Dodgy Psp Screen

    Ah, the new one has stuck pixels. Don't know if i can take the hassle of returning it again...
  17. W

    The Best Feeling In The World

    Don't do the name at the end of post thing. Only a couple of people here can pull that off.
  18. W

    Dodgy Psp Screen

    They depend on you not knowing your own rights, that's the thing.
  19. W

    The Best Feeling In The World

    Colour me enlightened